Proverbs 31:1

PROVERBS CHAPTER 31 Lemuel's lesson concerning chastity and temperance, PROVERBS 31:1. The proper use of wine, PROVERBS 31:6,7. An exhortation to righteous judgment, PROVERBS 31:8,9. A description of a virtuous wife, PROVERBS 31:10, with her husband's confidence in her, PROVERBS 31:11. Her work and... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:2

WHAT? a short speech, arguing her great passion for him; what dost thou do? or, what words shall I take? what counsels shall I give thee? My heart is full, I must give it vent; but where shall I begin? THE SON OF MY WOMB; my son, not by adoption, but whom I bare in my womb, and brought forth with gr... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:3

THY STRENGTH; the rigour of thy mind and body, which is greatly impaired by inordinate lusts, as all physicians agree, and frequent experience showeth. THY WAYS; thy conversation or course of life. TO THAT WHICH DESTROYETH KINGS; the same thing repeated in other words, as is very usual in these book... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:5

FORGET THE LAW; the laws of God, by which they are to govern themselves and their kingdoms. PERVERT THE JUDGMENT of any of the afflicted; which may easily be done by a drunken judge, because drunkenness deprives a man of the use of reason; by which alone men can distinguish between right and wrong,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:6

UNTO HIM; which is to be understood comparatively, to him rather than to kings, partly because he needs a liberal draught of it more than kings do; and principally because if it proceed to excess, in him it is only a private inconvenience, but in kings it is a public mischief and grievance. READY TO... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:8

OPEN THY MOUTH, speak freely and impartially, as becomes a king and judge to do, for the dumb; for such as cannot speak in their own cause, either through ignorance and infirmity, or because of the dread of their more potent adversaries, or of the majesty of the king sitting in judgment. SUCH AS ARE... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:10

A VIRTUOUS WOMAN, whom he may take to wife. Such a person is hardly to be found. Compare ECCLESIASTES 7:28. And here he lays down several characters or qualifications of an excellent wife, which are here delivered in alphabetical order, each verse beginning with a several and the succeeding letter o... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:11

DOTH SAFELY TRUST IN HER, for the prudent and faithful management of all his domestic affairs, which are committed to her care. SO THAT HE SHALL HAVE NO NEED OF SPOIL; the sense is either, 1. He shall want no necessary provisions for his family, which are sometimes called spoil, or prey, as below,... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:13

SHE SEEKETH WOOL AND FLAX, that she may find employment for her servants, and not suffer them to spend all their time unprofitably in ease and idleness. WORKETH WILLINGLY WITH HER HANDS; she encourageth them to work by her example; which was a common practice among princesses in those first and pure... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:15

WHILE IT IS YET NIGHT; early in the morning, to redeem thee. GIVETH MEAT; distributeth all her necessary provisions. A PORTION; either, 1. Of work, which she allots to them. Or rather, 2. Of provisions for them; for so this word is used, GENESIS 47:22 LEVITICUS 10:13,14 PR 30:8, and no where, to m... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:16

SHE CONSIDERETH A FIELD; whether it be fit for her use, and of a reasonable price, and how she may purchase it. This excludes the rashness, as her proceeding to BUY it excludes the inconstancy, which is oft incident to that sex. WITH THE FRUIT OF HER HANDS, with the effects of her diligence, SHE PLA... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:17

SHE GIRDETH HER LOINS WITH STRENGTH; she useth great diligence and expedition in her employment; for which end men in those times used to gird up their long and loose garments about their loins. STRENGTHENETH HER ARMS; putteth forth her utmost strength in her business.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:18

SHE PERCEIVETH THAT HER MERCHANDISE IS GOOD; she finds great comfort and good success in her labours. HER CANDLE GOETH NOT OUT BY NIGHT; WHICH IS NOT TO BE TAKEN STRICTLY, but only signifies her unwearied care and industry, which is oft expressed by labouring _day and night_, or _continually_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:19

By her own example she provoketh her servants to labour. And although in these later and more delicate and luxurious times, such mean employments are grown out of fashion among great persons, yet they were not so in former ages, neither in other countries, nor in this land; whence all women unmarrie... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:20

TO RELIEVE THEIR NECESSITIES. Her designs are generous and noble; for she labours not only to supply her own and her household necessities, or to support her own state, much less to feed her pride and luxury, but that she may have wherewith to supply the wants of others who crave or need her assista... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:21

SHE IS NOT AFRAID OF THE SNOW, or of any injuries of the weather. ALL HER HOUSEHOLD ARE CLOTHED WITH SCARLET; she hath provided enough, not only for their necessity and defence against cold and other inconveniences, which is here supposed, but also for their delight and ornament; so that not only he... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:22

COVERINGS OF TAPESTRY, for the furniture of her house. SILK AND PURPLE, which was very agreeable to her high quality, though it doth not justify that luxury in attire which is now usual among persons of far lower ranks, both for wealth and dignity.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:23

KNOWN; observed and respected, not only for his own worth, but for his wife's sake; not only for those rich ornaments which by her care and diligence she provides for him, which others of his brethren, by reason of their wives sloth or luxury, are not able to procure, but also for his wisdom in choo... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:24

Curiously wrought of linen, and gold, or other precious materials, JEREMIAH 13:1 DANIEL 10:5, which in those parts were used both by men, 2 SAMUEL 20:8, and by women, ISAIAH 3:24 SONG OF SOLOMON 7:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:25

STRENGTH; not strength of body, which is no ornament of that sex, save only as she preserves her health and strength by sobriety and exercise, which other men waste by intemperance and idleness; but strength of mind, magnanimity, courage, resolution, activity. HONOUR; either, 1. Her prudent, and pi... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:26

SHE OPENETH HER MOUTH WITH WISDOM; she is neither sullenly silent, nor full of vain and impertinent talk, as many women are, but speaks directly and piously, as occasion offereth itself. IN HER TONGUE IS THE LAW OF KINDNESS; her speeches are not froward and provoking, as those of foolish women frequ... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:27

SHE LOOKETH WELL TO THE WAYS OF HER HOUSEHOLD; she diligently observeth the management and progress of her domestic business, and the whole carriage and conversation of her children and servants; whereby also he intimates that she spends not her thee in gadding abroad to other houses, and idle disco... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:28

HER CHILDREN; whose testimony is the more considerable, because they have been constant eye-witnesses of her whole carriage, and therefore must have seen her misdemeanours, if there had been any, as well as her virtues. ARISE UP; either, 1. In token of reverence to her, which agrees not to the foll... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:29

DAUGHTERS; daughters of men, i.e. women, so called also GENESIS 34:1 EZEKIEL 30:18. THOU EXCELLEST THEM ALL: he esteems it but just that his praises should bear proportion to her real and manifold perfections.... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:30

FAVOUR; comeliness; or, as the next clause explains it, beauty, which commonly gives women favour or acceptation with those who behold them. These are the words either, 1. Of her husband, continuing to praise her. Or, 2. Of Bathsheba, giving the sum of what she had said in few words. IS DECEITFUL;... [ Continue Reading ]

Proverbs 31:31

GIVE HER OF THE FRUIT OF HER HANDS; it is but just and fit that she should enjoy those benefits and praises which her excellent labours deserve. LET HER OWN WORKS PRAISE HER; give her the praises which her own works may challenge. If men be silent, the lasting effects of her prudence and diligence w... [ Continue Reading ]

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