PROVERBS CHAPTER 6 A dehortation against suretiship, PROVERBS 6:1. The
danger of it, PROVERBS 6:2; and the way of delivery, PROVERBS 6:3.
Sluggards reproved by a similitude of the ant, PROVERBS 6:6. The
carriage of the wicked described, PROVERBS 6:12; and his sudden ruin,
PROVERBS 6:15. Of seven thi... [ Continue Reading ]
Thy freedom is lost, and thou art now in bondage to another.... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO THE HAND; into the power. OF THY FRIEND; either,
1. Of the creditor, who possibly may be also thy friend; yet take the
following course with him, and much more if he be a stranger. Or,
2. Of the debtor, for whom, as being thy friend, thou didst become
surety; whereby thou art not only in the c... [ Continue Reading ]
To wit, until thou hast taken care for the discharge of this
obligation. Be not secure, nor negligent, nor dilatory in this matter.... [ Continue Reading ]
With all possible expedition, as the roe runs swiftly away.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is another distinct precept; and it is for the most part as
needless to seek, as hard to find, coherence in the proverbs and
counsels of this book. HER WAYS; her actions and manner of living,
especially her diligence and providence, which are the things
commended in her, PROVERBS 6:7,8; of whic... [ Continue Reading ]
Which might direct them in or quicken them to the work, as the bees
have their kings, and many other creatures have their leaders. This
heightens their commendation.... [ Continue Reading ]
When they come forth in great numbers, as in winter they stir not out
of their holes.... [ Continue Reading ]
HOW LONG WILT THOU SLEEP? when the ants are watchful and labour, not
only in the day time, but even by night, when the moon shineth.... [ Continue Reading ]
This he speaks in the person of the sluggard, refusing to arise, and
requiring more sleep, that so he might express the disposition and
common practice of such persons. FOLDING OF THE HANDS is the gesture
of men composing themselves to sleep.... [ Continue Reading ]
AS ONE THAT TRAVAILETH, swiftly and unexpectedly. As an armed man,
irresistibly or unavoidably.... [ Continue Reading ]
He showeth the haughtiness of his heart by the wickedness of his talk
and discourses, to which he doth accustom himself, as walking implies.... [ Continue Reading ]
He vents his wickedness, as by his speech, so also by his gestures,
whereby he secretly signifies what he is afraid or ashamed to express
openly to his accomplices, his intentions or desires of some evil
towards another person; which having in the general declared by the
motion of his eyes or feet,... [ Continue Reading ]
FROWARDNESS; perverse or wicked thoughts and desires. HE SOWETH
DISCORD; either out of malice against others, or out of a base design
of improving it to his own advantage.... [ Continue Reading ]
Heb. _and there_ shall be _no healing_; no prevention of it
beforehand, nor recovery afterward.... [ Continue Reading ]
HATE, to wit, above many other sins, which have a worse name in the
world.... [ Continue Reading ]
A PROUD LOOK; pride of heart, which commonly discovers itself by a
man's looks and gestures. See PSALMS 101:5, PSALMS 131:1 PROVERBS
30:13. A LYING TONGUE; he that accustometh himself to lying and deceit
in his common conversation.... [ Continue Reading ]
design and contrive wickedness. FEET THAT BE SWIFT IN RUNNING TO
MISCHIEF; such as greedily and readily execute their wicked designs,
without any restraint or delay.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT SPEAKETH LIES, to wit, in judgment; whereby this differs from the
former lying, PROVERBS 6:17. _Brethren_; dear relations or friends.... [ Continue Reading ]
KEEP THY FATHER'S COMMANDMENT, so far as it is not contrary to God's
command. FORSAKE NOT THE LAW OF THY MOTHER, whom children are too apt
to despise. See PROVERBS 1:8.... [ Continue Reading ]
BIND THEM CONTINUALLY UPON THINE HEART; constantly remember and duly
3:3.... [ Continue Reading ]
IT, the law of God, which thy parents have taught thee, and pressed
upon thee, SHALL LEAD THEE; direct thee how to order all thy steps and
actions. IT SHALL TALK WITH THEE; it shall give thee counsel and
comfort.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS A LAMP; it enlightens thy dark mind, and clearly discovers to thee
the plain and right way. REPROOFS OF INSTRUCTION; wise and instructive
reproofs or admonitions. THE WAY TO LIFE; both to preserve and prolong
this life, and to procure eternal life to those that obey them.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is mentioned as a great commendation of God's word, because
neither worldly discretion, nor civil education, nor moral precepts,
nor any other considerations, are sufficient preservatives against
this lust, as is manifest from daily experience.... [ Continue Reading ]
delight thyself with, unchaste thoughts or affections. Compare MATTHEW
5:28. WITH HER EYELIDS; either with her beauty, which consists much in
the eyes; or rather, with her amours and wanton glances.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO A PIECE OF BREAD; to extreme poverty, so as to want and be forced
to beg his bread. _Hunt for the precious life_; to take away a man's
life; either by consuming his body and spirits, and so shortening his
days; or more directly and strictly, when she hath any great
provocation to it, or any prosp... [ Continue Reading ]
The question implies a denial; he cannot escape burning. No more can
he who burns in lust avoid destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT GOETH IN TO HIS NEIGHBOUR'S WIFE; that lieth with her, as the
phrase signifies, GENESIS 19:31, GENESIS 29:21,23, &c. _Toucheth her_,
i.e. hath carnal knowledge of her, as this word is used, GENESIS 20:6
1 CORINTHIANS 7:1, and in Terence, and other writers. SHALL NOT BE
INNOCENT; shall be punish... [ Continue Reading ]
DESPISE, i.e. abhor or reproach him, but rather pity and pardon him,
who is urged by mere necessity to these practices.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE SHALL RESTORE SEVEN-FOLD. QUEST. How doth this agree with God's
law, which required only that he should restore double, or at most
fourfold, or fivefold? EXODUS 22:1:4. ANSW.
1. The number of _seven_ may be here put indefinitely for many times,
as it is GENESIS 4:24 LEVITICUS 26:28, and in many... [ Continue Reading ]
LACKETH UNDERSTANDING; is a brutish and silly man, who madly rusheth
upon these filthy courses, without any sense or consideration of the
horrid shame and certain destruction which attends upon them.
DESTROYETH HIS OWN SOUL, or _life_; is guilty of self-murder and of
soul-murder.... [ Continue Reading ]
A WOUND; civil or corporal punishment from the magistrate, or rather
from the woman's husband, as it follows. HIS REPROACH SHALL NOT BE
WIPED AWAY; although it be forgiven by God, yet the reproach and
scandal of it remains.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS THE RAGE OF A MAN; it inflames a man with rage and fury against the
adulterer. IN THE DAY OF VENGEANCE; when he hath an opportunity to
avenge himself upon the delinquent.... [ Continue Reading ]
He will accept of no other recompence for the injury beneath thy life.... [ Continue Reading ]