PROVERBS CHAPTER 8 Wisdom's fame, call, and exhortation, PROVERBS 8:1.
Her excellency, nature, and hatred of evil, PROVERBS 8:10. Her power,
PROVERBS 8:14; and love to the godly, PROVERBS 8:17. Her riches,
PROVERBS 8:18,19. Her eternity, PROVERBS 8:20. Her delight in the
children of men, PROVERBS 8:... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE TOP OF HIGH PLACES, where she may be best seen and heard; not
in corners and in the dark, as the harlot did. In the places of the
paths; where many paths meet, where there is a great concourse, and
where travellers may need direction.... [ Continue Reading ]
AT THE GATES; the places of judgment, and of the confluence of people.
At the entry of the city, to invite passengers at their first coming,
and to conduct them to her house. AT THE COMING IN AT THE DOORS, to
wit, of her house, as the harlot stood at her door to invite lovers:... [ Continue Reading ]
To all men without exception, even to the meanest, who are thus
called, PSALMS 49:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE SIMPLE; who want knowledge and experience, and are easily deceived.
YE FOOLS; wilful and obstinate sinners.... [ Continue Reading ]
OF EXCELLENT THINGS, Heb. _of princely things_, worthy of princes to
learn and practise them; or such as excel common things as much as
princes do ordinary persons.... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL SPEAK, Heb. _shall meditate_, i.e. shall speak not rashly and
hastily, but what I have well considered and digested. IS AN
ABOMINATION TO MY LIPS: I hate to speak it; therefore you may be
assured that I shall not deceive you.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH; all my precepts, promises, threatenings,
&c. NOTHING FROWARD OR PERVERSE IN THEM; not the least mixture of
vanity, or error, or folly in them, as there is in the words of the
wisest philosophers, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]
PLAIN; evident and clear to their minds; or, right, just and good. TO
HIM THAT UNDERSTANDETH; either to him who with an honest mind applies
himself to the study of them in the diligent use of all the means
appointed by God to that end; or to him whose mind God hath
enlightened by his Spirit, though... [ Continue Reading ]
AND NOT SILVER, i.e. rather than silver, as such negative expressions
are understood, GENESIS 45:8 EXODUS 16:8 JEREMIAH 7:22, JEREMIAH
16:14,15, and in many other places. Though withal he seems to intimate
the inconsistency of these two studies and designs, and the great
hinderance which the love of... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
DWELL WITH PRUDENCE; I do not content myself with high speculations,
but my inseparable companion is prudence, to govern all my own
actions, and to direct the actions of others, by good counsels. This
he saith, because some persons have much wit and knowledge, and
nothing of discretion. FIND OUT KNO... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FEAR OF THE LORD; which he had before noted to be the beginning of
wisdom, PROVERBS 1:7. IS TO HATE EVIL; it consists in a careful
abstinence from all sin, and that not from carnal or prudential
motives, but from a true dislike and hatred of it. PRIDE; which he
mentions first, as that which is m... [ Continue Reading ]
SOUND WISDOM: all solid, and substantial, and useful, yea essential
wisdom, is natural and essential to me, for the word properly
signifies _essence_. I AM UNDERSTANDING, or, my nature and essence, as
was now said. Or, I am the author of understanding; as 1 THESSALONIANS
17:3. _This is life eternal_... [ Continue Reading ]
1. They get their kingdom by mine appointment and providence. Or
2. They rule their kingdoms wisely, and justly, and happily, by my
counsel and assistance; for this best suits with the next clause. AND
PRINCES DECREE JUSTICE: their injustice or wickedness is from... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
I LOVE THEM THAT LOVE ME; I do not despise their love though it be but
a small and inconsiderable thing to me but I kindly accept it, and
will recompense it with my love and favour. THAT SEEK ME EARLY, i.e.
with sincere affection, and great diligence, and above all other
persons or things in the wor... [ Continue Reading ]
Which he mentions here, either,
1. As the best and surest way to get and to keep riches; for estates
unjustly gotten quickly vanish, as is manifest both from Scripture and
from common observation. Or,
2. To signify that this wisdom gives both worldly and spiritual or
heavenly blessings together to... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Keeping at an equal distance from both extremes, and from the very
borders of them; which is called a PUTTING AWAY INIQUITY FAR FROM US,
JOB 22:23.... [ Continue Reading ]
SUBSTANCE; substantial, and true, and satisfying happiness; which is
here opposed to all worldly enjoyments which are said not to be,
PROVERBS 23:5; which are but mere shadows and dreams of felicity.... [ Continue Reading ]
POSSESSED ME, as his Son by eternal generation, who was from eternity
with him, as is said, 1 THESSALONIANS 14:10; and _in him_, as he also
was in me, 1 THESSALONIANS 14:10. IN THE BEGINNING; yea, and before
the beginning, as it is largely expressed in the following verses. OF
HIS WAY; either,
1. O... [ Continue Reading ]
SET UP, Heb. _anointed_; ordained or constituted to be the person by
whom the Father resolved to do all his works, first to create, and
then to uphold, and govern, and judge, and afterwards to redeem and
save the world; all which works are particularly ascribed to the Son
of God, as is manifest from... [ Continue Reading ]
NO DEPTHS; no abyss or deep waters, either mixed with the earth, as
they were at first, or separated from it. BROUGHT FORTH; begotten of
my Father's essence.... [ Continue Reading ]
SETTLED; or, _fixed_ by their roots in the earth.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE EARTH, i.e. the dry land, called _earth_ after it was separated
from the waters, GENESIS 1:10. THE FIELDS; the plain and open parts of
the earth, distinguished from the mountains and hills, and the valleys
enclosed between them. THE HIGHEST PART; or, _the first part_, or
_beginning_; or, _the be... [ Continue Reading ]
I WAS THERE, not as an idle spectator, but as a co-worker with my
Father. OF THE DEPTH, i.e. of that great and deep abyss of water and
earth mixed together, which is called both _earth_ and _water_, and
the deep, GENESIS 1:2. When he made this lower world round, or in the
form of a globe, agreeable... [ Continue Reading ]
ESTABLISHED, Heb. _strengthened_, by his word and decree, which alone
upholds the clouds in the air, which of themselves are thin and weak
bodies, and would quickly be dissolved or dispersed. When he
strengthened the fountains; when he shut up the several fountains in
the cavities of the earth, and... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS DECREE; or, _his bound or limits_, to wit, those parts of the
earth which border upon it. NOT PASS HIS COMMANDMENT, i.e. not
overflow the earth. APPOINTED, or _laid, the foundations o the earth_;
1. The centre of the earth; or,
2. The earth itself, which is the foundation of the world;... [ Continue Reading ]
BY HIM; conversant with him, and united to him, as was said before. AS
ONE BROUGHT UP WITH HIM; as one tenderly and dearly beloved by him.
REJOICING ALWAYS BEFORE HIM; he and I had constant, and intimate, and
sweet converse together.... [ Continue Reading ]
wonderful wisdom and goodness of God in the making and ordering of all
his creatures, and of man especially. MY DELIGHTS WERE WITH THE SONS
OF MEN, to uphold them by my power and providence, to reveal myself
and my Father's mind and... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW THEREFORE; seeing I have such a true love to you, and seeing I am
so thoroughly acquainted with my Father's mind, and so excellently
qualified to be your Counsellor and Ruler.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or, _do not make it void_ or unprofitable to you by your own sloth or
wilfulness.... [ Continue Reading ]
As servants, and clients, and others wait at the doors of princes or
persons of eminency for place, or power, or wisdom, that they may be
admitted to speak or converse with them.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT SINNETH AGAINST ME, by the neglect or contempt of or rebellion
against my commands, WRONGETH HIS OWN SOUL; is guilty of self-murder
and of soul-murder. THEY THAT HATE ME, i.e. who reject and disobey my
counsels, and live wickedly, which in God's account is a hating of
him, as is here implied... [ Continue Reading ]