PROVERBS CHAPTER 9 Wisdom's call to her people unto blessed communion
and fellowship with herself, set out under a similitude of making a
feast, PROVERBS 9:1. Her preparation, PROVERBS 9:2, and invitation,
PROVERBS 9:3. She dehorteth from evil company, PROVERBS 9:6. Her
counsel concerning reproof an... [ Continue Reading ]
HATH KILLED HER BEASTS, i.e. made provision for the guests; which is
meant of the ordinances, gifts, graces, comforts, and eternal
felicities which God doth offer and give to men in and by the church.
1. With spices, to make it strong and delightful, this mixed wine
b... [ Continue Reading ]
HER MAIDENS; her servants, to invite the guests; ministers of the
word, whom he calls maidens, partly for the decency of the parable;
for wisdom being compared to a great princess, was fit to be attended
upon by maidens; and partly to show that God by his word did work
sweetly, though strongly, and... [ Continue Reading ]
SIMPLE; ignorant, and weak, and subject to delusion, and willing to
learn; to show that wisdom rejects those scholars who are proud and
self-conceited. UNDERSTANDING, Heb. _heart_, which signifies
understanding, JEREMIAH 5:21 HOSEA 7:11.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FOOLISH, i.e. the wicked, and their courses and society: you must
either forsake them or me, for we are irreconcilable enemies. IN THE
WAY OF UNDERSTANDING; which leads to it, and is prescribed by it.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT REPROVETH A SCORNER: the connexion may be conceived thus,
Having invited the simple, he forbids the invitation of scorners; or
thus, He showeth who he meant by the _foolish_, PROVERBS 9:6, even
scorners and wicked men, as they are here called; and he presseth his
last advice of forsaking the... [ Continue Reading ]
REPROVE NOT A SCORNER; an obstinate and incorrigible sinner, who
scornfully rejects and despiseth the means of amendment. Thus
physicians deny physic to persons in desperate condition. LEST HE HATE
THEE; whereby thou wilt not only expose thyself without necessity to
his malice and rage, but also mak... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVE INSTRUCTION: in the Hebrew it is only _give_; for as receiving is
put for learning, PROVERBS 1:3, so _giving_ is put for _teaching_,
both in Scripture and in other authors; of which see my Latin
Synopsis. A JUST MAN; called _a wise man_ in the former branch, to
intimate that good men are the on... [ Continue Reading ]
OF THE HOLY; either,
1. Of holy men, whether such as all saints learn, or rather such as
the holy men of God, the servants of this wisdom, teach from God's
word; or rather,
2. Of holy things, the Hebrew word being here taken in the neuter
gender, as it is NUMBERS 5:17, and elsewhere; for this seem... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU SHALT BE WISE FOR THYSELF; thou dost not profit me, but thyself
by it; I advise thee for thine own good. THOU ALONE SHALT BEAR IT; the
blame and mischief of it falls wholly upon thee, not upon me, or my
word, or ministers who have warned thee.... [ Continue Reading ]
A FOOLISH WOMAN; by which he understands, either,
1. Folly, which is opposite to that wisdom of which he hath been so
long discoursing; and so it may include all wickedness, either in
principle, as idolatry, heresy, &c., or in practice. Or,
2. The harlot; which, with submission, seems most probable... [ Continue Reading ]
Which notes her idleness and impudence, and diligence in watching for
occasions of sin.... [ Continue Reading ]
Who were going innocently and directly about their business without
any unchaste design; for others needed none of those invitations or
offers, but went to her of their own accord. And besides, such lewd
persons take a greater pleasure in corrupting the innocent.... [ Continue Reading ]
SIMPLE; which title is not given to them by her, for such a reproach
would not have allured them, but driven them away; but by Solomon, who
represents the matter of her invitation in his own words, that he
might discover the truth of the business, and thereby dissuade and
deter those whom she invite... [ Continue Reading ]
STOLEN WATERS; by which he understandeth, either,
1. Idolatry, or other wickednesses, which in Solomon's time before his
fall were publicly forbidden and punished, but privately practised; or
2. Adultery. ARE SWEET; partly, from the difficulty of obtaining them;
partly, from the art which... [ Continue Reading ]
KNOWETH NOT, i.e. he doth not consider it seriously, whereby he
proveth his folly.... [ Continue Reading ]