PSALM 104 THE ARGUMENT. As the next foregoing Psalm treats of the
special favours of God to his church and people, so this declares and
celebrates the wonderful and gracious works of God to all mankind in
the creation of this visible world, and in the wise and powerful
disposition of all things ther... [ Continue Reading ]
COVEREST, or _adornest_, or _clothest. With light_; either,
1. With that light which no man can approach unto, as it is called 1
TIMOTHY 6:16, wherewith therefore he may well be said to be covered or
hid from the eyes of mortal men. Or rather,
2. With that first-created light, GENESIS 1:3, which t... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE WATERS; in the waters above the heavens, as they are called,
GENESIS 1:7; or, in the clouds, as it is explained in the next clause,
in which he many times resides and rides, and manifests his presence.
Who manageth and employeth the clouds and winds in his service.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO MAKETH HIS ANGELS SPIRITS, i.e. of a spiritual or incorporeal
nature, that they might be fitter for their employments. Or, _who
maketh his angels winds_, as this last word most commonly signifies,
i.e. who made them like the winds, powerful, and active, and nimble in
executing God's pleasure. Or... [ Continue Reading ]
_ He hath founded or established the earth upon its own basis or
foundations_, i.e. upon itself, or its own weight, whereby it stands
as fast and unmovable, as if it were built upon the strongest
foundations imaginable; which is a stupendous work of Divine power and
wisdom. _That it should not be re... [ Continue Reading ]
1. In the general deluge. Or rather,
2. In the first creation, as we read, GENESIS 1:2,9; of which the
psalmist is here speaking. THE WATERS STOOD ABOVE THE MOUNTAINS; the
mountains were not made by the deluge, as some have thought, who for
that reason unde... [ Continue Reading ]
AT THY REBUKE; upon thy severe command, GENESIS 1:9; which he calls a
_rebuke_, to imply that there was something in that state of things
which might seem to need reproof and correction, even that confusion
of earth and water together, which therefore God amended in his second
day's work. THEY FLED;... [ Continue Reading ]
In that first division of the waters from the earth, some part of them
by God's command, contrary to their own nature, went upwards, and
became springs in the mountains, and the greatest part went downwards
to the channels made for them. Others, both ancient and later
interpreters, read the words th... [ Continue Reading ]
A BOUND; even the sand of the sea-shore, as it is expressed, JEREMIAH
5:22, which, though in itself contemptible, and a very poor defence to
the earth against that swelling and raging element, yet by God's
almighty power and gracious providence is made sufficient for that
purpose; which is noted as... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SPRINGS, and the rivers which come from them. THE HILLS; wherewith
God hath shut in the rivers where he saw fit, that they might not
overflow the land.... [ Continue Reading ]
Which he mentions, partly because they are dry and thirsty creatures;
and partly because they live in dry and desolate wildernesses, and are
neither ruled nor regarded by men, and are most stupid creatures, and
yet are plentifully provided for by the care and bounty of Divine
Providence.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THEM; either upon the waters, where many fowls have their common
abode; or in the ground nigh unto them; or in the trees, which
commonly grow by the banks of rivers. WHICH SING AMONG THE BRANCHES;
which, being delighted and refreshed by the waters, send forth their
pleasant notes.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE WATERETH THE HILLS; which most need moisture, and have least of it
in them. FROM HIS CHAMBERS; from the clouds, as above, PSALMS 104:3.
THE EARTH IS SATISFIED; by this means all the parts of the earth, the
mountains as well as the valleys, are made fruitful. WITH THE FRUIT OF
THY WORKS; with the... [ Continue Reading ]
HERB FOR THE SERVICE OF MAN; both for delight, and for necessity,
either as food or physic. And this God doth; he watereth the earth,
that thereby it may be prepared or disposed for the production of
necessary provisions for beasts and for men, _that so he_ (to wit,
God) MAY BRING FORTH FOOD OUT OF... [ Continue Reading ]
WINE; he also bringeth out of the earth the vines which yield wine.
OIL TO MAKE HIS FACE TO SHINE: he alludes to the custom of those times
and places, which was upon solemn and festival occasions to anoint
their faces with oil. See PSALMS 23:5. But these words with the former
are by divers learned i... [ Continue Reading ]
THE TREES OF THE LORD, i.e. which the Lord hath planted, as the next
clause expounds this; which came up and grew. and thrive not by man's
art and industry, but merely by the care of God's providence. ARE FULL
OF SAP, Heb. _are_ or _shall be satisfied_, to wit, with the rain, of
whose good effects h... [ Continue Reading ]
THE STORK; which make their nests not only in the tops of houses, but
also in the field and in high trees, as Varro and others have noted.
THE FIR TREES; which also are trees of great height and bigness; and
which, being here said to afford the storks a house, are thereby
supposed to be preserved an... [ Continue Reading ]
So he passeth from the rain to other works of God's providence, as
that God hath made suitable and sufficient provision for the security
of these creatures against their persecutors. Although this verse also
may have a reference to the former work, and the barren and rocky
hills may be mentioned as... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR SEASONS; to measure and distinguish the times, both months, and,
amongst many nations, years also; as also the seasons of divers
natural events, as of the ebbing and flowing of the waters, and of the
humours in man's body; and other seasons for sacred and civil affairs,
which were commonly regul... [ Continue Reading ]
DARKNESS; which succeeds the light by virtue of thy decree and
established order. CREEP FORTH, to look out for prey, which in the day
time they dare not do for fear of men. So by this vicissitude of day
and night God hath wisely and mercifully provided both for men, that
they may follow their day la... [ Continue Reading ]
THE YOUNG LIONS; which can no more subsist without Divine Providence
than those which are most old and decrepit. ROAR AFTER THEIR PREY;
they roar when they come within sight and reach of their prey, as
naturalists observe; whereby this place may be reconciled with AMOS
3:4. SEEK THEIR MEAT FROM GOD:... [ Continue Reading ]
Or rather, _they retire_ or _betake themselves_; for the lions do not
commonly go in companies to one place, but severally, each to his own
den.... [ Continue Reading ]
With security and confidence, knowing the nature and custom of wild
beasts, that they hide themselves by day.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of excellent and comfortable things, which are the effects of thy
bounty and power.... [ Continue Reading ]
CREEPING: this word is common to all creatures that move without feet,
touching with their belly the element in which they move, whether they
creep upon the earth or swim in the sea.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT LEVIATHAN; either the whale or the crocodile; of which SEE POOLE
ON "JOB 40:1", SEE POOLE ON "JOB 41:1"; who being of such vast
strength and absolute dominion in the sea, tumbles in it with great
security, and sports himself with other creatures, which he taketh and
devoureth at his pleasure.... [ Continue Reading ]
THESE ALL, both beasts and fishes, WAIT UPON THEE, expect supplies
only from thy providence; which is said of them figuratively, and with
an allusion to the manner of tame beasts and fowls, which commonly
look after and wait upon those persons who bring their food to them.
IN DUE SEASON; when it is... [ Continue Reading ]
Whatsoever they receive is from thy bounty and gift. THOU OPENEST
THINE HAND; thou providest plentifully for them; as this phrase
implies, DEUTERONOMY 15:1: compare PROVERBS 31:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU HIDEST THY FACE, when thou withdrawest or suspendest the favour
and care of thy providence. TROUBLED; dejected and distressed. TAKEST
AWAY; so this word is used, HOSEA 4:3 ZEPHANIAH 1:2, and elsewhere. TO
THEIR DUST; to the earth, from whence they had their first original.... [ Continue Reading ]
THY SPIRIT; either,
1. That spirit by which they live, which is called _the spirit of a
beast_, ECCLESIASTES 3:21, which is called _their breath or spirit_,
(for the word is the same there and here,)PSALMS 104:29, and here may
be called _God's spirit_, because it was given and preserved by him.
Or... [ Continue Reading ]
So the sense is, Thus God doth and will advance the glory of his
wisdom, and power, and goodness in upholding and continuing the works
of his hands from generation to generation, and he doth and will take
pleasure both in the preservation and blessing of his works, as also
in his reflection upon the... [ Continue Reading ]
This is a further illustration of God's powerful providence over all
the creatures, and their dependence upon him; as when he affords his
favour to creatures, they live and thrive, so one the contrary one
angry look or touch of his upon the hills or earth makes them tremble
and smoke, as once Sinai... [ Continue Reading ]
But whatsoever others do, I will not fail to give God his glory and
due praises.... [ Continue Reading ]
MY MEDITATION; or, _my speech_, or _discourse_; my praising of God,
mentioned PSALMS 104:33. _Of him_; concerning the glory of his works.
1. To God; he will graciously accept it; praise being his most
acceptable sacrifice, as is affirmed, PSALMS 69:30,31. Or rather,
2. To m... [ Continue Reading ]
But as for those ungodly creatures who do not regard the works of the
Lord, which is noted as a most grievous sin, and punished with a
grievous imprecation, like this, PSALMS 27:4,5, nor give him the glory
due to his name, but dishonour God, and abuse his creatures, and
thereby provoke God to destro... [ Continue Reading ]