PSALM 107 THE ARGUMENT The most of the Psalms have a peculiar respect unto the church or people of God, or to some eminent members thereof; but there are some few Psalms which have a more general respect to all nations, of which number this is one; wherein the psalmist discourseth of the merciful providence of God towards all mankind, and of his readiness to help them in all their distresses, some few particular instances whereof he mentioneth, and leaveth the rest to be understood, there being the same reason of all. But withal he takes notice also of God's judgments upon wicked persons and people. And by this representation of God's mercies and judgments, he invites all nations to an acknowledgment of the true God, to praise him for his favours, and to tremble at his judgments, which is their just duty and reasonable service. An exhortation to the redeemed to praise and celebrate the Lord, and to observe his manifold providences, Psalms 107:1; to strangers and captives, Psalms 107:4; to sick, and sea-men, Psalms 107:17; and to all others, commending them that carefully observe this, Psalms 107:33. This whole verse occurs also Psalms 106:1; only there the address is made to the Israelites, and here to all mankind.

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