I am gone, Heb. I am made to go; either,

1. From place to place; which was David's case, when he was persecuted by Saul and by Absalom; and Christ's case upon earth, where he had no certain place where to lay his head: Matthew 8:20. Or,

2. Into the grave, as this phrase is used, 1 Chronicles 17:11 Psalms 58:8, and oft elsewhere. Declineth; towards the evening, when, the sun setting, it vanisheth instantly, and irrecoverably, until the sun rise again, which it never will do to me in this world, when once I am gone out of it. As the locust; which of itself is unstable, continually skipping from place to place, and is easily driven away with every wind; so am I exposed to perpetual and successive changes within myself, and to a thousand violences and mischiefs from other persons and things.

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