Psalms 110:1

PSALM 110 THE ARGUMENT That the penman of this Psalm was not Eliezer, Abraham's servant, who writ it upon the occasion of Abraham's victory over those kings, GE 14, (as some of the later Jews have devised, out of opposition to Christianity,) nor any other person but David, is manifest from the title... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 110:2

SEND; or, _send forth_, into the world. _The rod of thy strength_; thy strong or powerful rod, by a usual Hebraism. And the rod is put for his sceptre, or kingly power, as it is ISAIAH 10:24 JEREMIAH 48:17 EZEKIEL 7:10,11 EZEKIEL 19:11,12. But as the kingdom of Christ is not carnal, or of this world... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 110:3

THY PEOPLE; thy subjects. SHALL BE WILLING, Heb. _willingnesses_, i.e. most willing, as such plural words are frequently used, as PSALMS 5:10, PSALMS 21:7. Or, _free-will offerings_, as the word properly signifies; whereby he may intimate the difference between the worship of the Old Testament and t... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 110:4

HATH SWORN; which he did not in the Aaronical priesthood, HEBREWS 7:21, but did it here, partly because the thing was new and strange, and might seem incredible, because God had already erected another, and that _an everlasting priesthood_, NUMBERS 25:13, and given it to Aaron and his posterity for... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 110:5

THE LORD; either, 1. God the Father, whose words and oath he last mentioned, PSALMS 110:4. So this is an apostrophe of the psalmist to Christ, Thy God and Father is at thy right hand, to wit, to defend and assist thee, as that phrase is used, PSALMS 16:8, PSALMS 109:31, and elsewhere. SEE POOLE ON... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 110:6

SHALL JUDGE; either, 1. Conquer and govern them; or rather, 2. Condemn and punish them, as it is explained in the following clauses, and as this word is used, GENESIS 15:14 ROMANS 2:1,2 1 PETER 4:6, and elsewhere. THE PLACES; or, the place of battle, which is necessarily supposed in the fight, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 110:7

HE SHALL DRINK OF THE BROOK IN THE WAY: this may be understood either, 1. Properly, to express the fervency and diligence of the Messias in the prosecution of his business; who having routed and destroyed the main body of his enemies forces, pursues those that fled with such eagerness, that he will... [ Continue Reading ]

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