The works of his hands; all that he doth, either on the behalf of his people, or against his or their enemies; of both which sorts of works he spoke in the foregoing verse. Are verity and judgment; are exactly agreeable to his word or promises, and to the rules of justice. All his commandments; either,

1. His laws given to the Israelites, especially the moral law considered with its sanction, the promises made to the observers of it, and the threatenings denounced against transgressors. Or,

2. His works, as it is in the first clause, called his commands, because they were done by virtue of his decree, and by his power and authority; as in like manner God is said to command those blessings which he purposeth to give, and doth effectually procure, as Deuteronomy 28:8 Psalms 42:8, Psalms 68:28 133:3, and to command those creatures which he moveth and acteth as he pleaseth, as 1 Kings 17:4 Matthew 8:27. Are sure, or faithful, or certain; constant and unchangeable, as his laws are, being grounded upon the immutable rules of justice or equity; infallible and irresistible, as his counsels and ways are.

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