Psalms 112:1

PSALM 112 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm containeth a description of a good man's gracious disposition and carriage; as also of his blessed condition, even in this life as well as in the next. The blessedness of them that fear the Lord in this life, and in that to come, PSALMS 112:1; for which the wicked e... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:2

THE GENERATION, i.e. the posterity, as this word is oft used, as LEVITICUS 23:43 NUMBERS 9:10, &c., called _his seed_ in the former branch.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:3

SHALL BE IN HIS HOUSE; possessed by him whilst he lives, and continued in his family after his death. HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, i.e. the fruit or reward of his righteousness, which is God's blessing upon his estate; for the work is oft put for the reward of it, as in the Hebrew, LEVITICUS 19:13 JOB 7:2 PSA... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:4

UNTO THE UPRIGHT THERE ARISETH LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS; and although he is subject to the troubles and calamities of this life, as others are, yet God will give him support and comfort in them, and a happy issue out of them, whereas the wicked sink under their burdens, and their present miseries usher... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:5

SHOWETH FAVOUR, AND LENDETH; giveth freely to some, and kindly lendeth to others, according to the variety of their conditions. GUIDE HIS AFFAIRS; maintain and manage his estate or domestic affairs. WITH DISCRETION, Heb. _with judgment_; so as is fit and meet, and as God requires, not getting his es... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:6

SHALL NOT BE MOVED FOR EVER; though he may for a season be afflicted, yet he shall not be utterly and eternally destroyed, as wicked men shall. Shall be in everlasting remembrance; though whilst he lives he may be exposed to the censures, and slanders, and contradictions of sinners, yet after death... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:7

OF EVIL TIDINGS; at the report of approaching calamities and judgments of God, at which the wicked are so dismayed and affrighted. TRUSTING IN THE LORD; casting all his care upon God, and securely relying upon his providence and promise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:8

And although his enemies be many, and mighty, and terrible, yet he shall confidently and cheerfully wait upon God, until he see their ruin and his own deliverance and safety.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:9

DISPERSED, to wit, his goods, and that freely and liberally, to several persons, as occasion is offered, as this word implies. HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, i.e. his liberality, as this word is used, PROVERBS 10:2, PROVERBS 11:4 DANIEL 4:27 2 CORINTHIANS 9:9,10, &c.; or the reward of it, as before, PSALMS 112:... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 112:10

BE GRIEVED at the felicity of good men, partly, from envy at the happiness of others; partly, from his peculiar hatred of all godly men; and partly, because it is a plain testimony of God's justice and providence, and therefore a certain presage of his own ruin. The desire; his desire either of the... [ Continue Reading ]

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