Psalms 113:1

PSALM 113 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm is a declaration of God's powerful and universal providence towards all men, and especially towards his afflicted people. An exhortation for all men to praise the Lord, for his excellency and greatness, PSALMS 113:1; for his condescension to the poor and humble-mind... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 113:3

FROM THE RISING OF THE SUN UNTO THE GOING DOWN OF THE SAME; from one end of the world to the other; from east to west, which he mentions rather than from north to south, because those parts of the world were at this time much uninhabited and unknown. THE LORD'S NAME IS TO BE PRAISED, for his gloriou... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 113:4

HIGH ABOVE ALL NATIONS; superior to all princes and bodies of people in the world. HIS GLORY ABOVE THE HEAVENS: whereas the glory of earthly monarchs is confined to this lower world, and to small pittances of it, the glory of God doth not only fill the earth, but heaven too, where it is celebrated b... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 113:5

To wit, far above all heavens, as was now said, being exalted as in place, so in power and dignity, above all persons and things, visible and invisible.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 113:6

Who is so high, that it is a wonderful vouchsafement and condescension in him to take any notice or care of his holy and heavenly host, and much more of sinful and miserable men upon earth, which yet he is pleased to do.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 113:7

HE RAISETH UP THE POOR; yea, he stoops so low as to regard and advance those whom all men, and even their own brethren, slight and despise. OUT OF THE DUST; from a most contemptible and miserable condition. Beggars and mourners used to lie in the dust, or, as it follows, upon the dunghill, 1 SAMUEL... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 113:8

SET HIM WITH PRINCES; in equal honour and power with them, as he did Joseph, David, and others. THE PRINCES OF HIS PEOPLE; which in God's account and in truth are far more honourable and happy that, the princes of heathen and barbarous nations, because their subjects are more noble, and they have Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 113:9

TO KEEP HOUSE, Heb. _to dwell in a house or family_, or amongst children, to wit, coming out of her own womb, as is clearly implied by the opposition of this to her barrenness. And the word HOUSE is oft put for children, as EXODUS 1:21 RUTH 4:11 PSALMS 115:10,12. And so it is explained in the next c... [ Continue Reading ]

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