Psalms 114:1

PSALM 114 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm is a solemn commemoration of Israel's deliverance out of Egypt; and probably it was to be sung, amongst others, at the celebration of the passover. The psalmist, rehearsing God's delivering the Israelites out of Egypt, exhorteth all creatures to praise him. Which wa... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 114:2

JUDAH, or _Israel_, as it is explained in the next clause; one tribe being put for all; which is a common synecdoche. Judah he mentions as the chief of all the tribes, not only in number and power, but also in dignity, in which the kingdom was to be seated, GENESIS 49:10, &c., as at this time it act... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 114:4

Horeb and Sinai, two tops of one mountain, and other neighbouring hills or mountains. Compare EXODUS 19:18 PSALMS 68:8 HABAKKUK 3:6,10.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 114:5

What was the cause of this unusual motion? Such speeches directed to senseless creatures are very frequent, both in Scripture and in other authors, and especially in poetical writings, such as this is.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 114:7

But why do I ask these questions? Ye mountains did no more than what was just and fit at the approach and appearance of the great God; yea, the whole earth hath reason to tremble and quake upon such occasions.... [ Continue Reading ]

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