PSALM 134 THE ARGUMENT The form of this Psalm seems to be dramatical. In the two first verses the psalmist speaks in the name of some emminent person, either the king or chief priests, exhorting and requiring all the priests and Levites to perform the duties of their place and calling; and in the last verse in the name of the priests and Levites, returning him thanks for his good advice. The priests and Levites are exhorted to bless the Lord in his sanctuary. Behold, bless ye the Lord; do not stand there like statues, dumb and idle, but employ your hearts and tongues in singing forth the praises of the Lord. Ye servants of the Lord; peculiarly so called, priests and Levites, who are set apart to the service of God and of the sanctuary, as the next clause restrains this general expression. By night; not only by day, but also and especially by night, when their watch was more necessary. See Exodus 27:21 Leviticus 8:35 1 Samuel 3:3. As you watch by night when others sleep, so do you utter the praises of God when others are silent. Stand, i.e. serve or minister, as this word is used, Deuteronomy 10:8, Deuteronomy 18:7, and oft elsewhere. House; which word includes both the temple and courts belonging to it, as hath been noted before.

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