Psalms 14:1

PSALM 14 The design of this Psalm is to describe and bewail the terrible wickedness and corruption of mankind, and especially of ungodly men, and of his own enemies. David showeth the atheism and corruption of men, PSALMS 14:1. He convinceth the wicked by the light of conscience, PSALMS 14:4; and lo... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 14:2

THE LORD LOOKED DOWN FROM HEAVEN, to search out the truth. God knoweth all things without any inquiry; but this is a figure called anthropopathia, whereby Scripture oft speaks of God after the manner of men. UPON THE CHILDREN OF MEN; upon the whole body of the Israelitish nation, and upon the genera... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 14:3

GONE ASIDE, to wit, from God, whom they should have sought, PSALMS 14:2, and from the rule which he hath given them, and by which they sometimes professed and seemed to govern themselves. Or, _are grown sour_, as this word signifies, HOSEA 4:18. And so this is a metaphor from corrupted drinks, as th... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 14:4

HAVE THE WORKERS OF INIQUITY lost their wits? have they neither religion nor common discretion? either of which would teach them not to make themselves so hateful to the all-seeing and almighty God, and to all men. The words may be rendered thus, _Do not all the workers of iniquity know it_ ? So it... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 14:5

THERE, i.e. in the place, or upon the spot, where they practised these insolences, God struck them with a panic fear. Or, _then_, i.e. in the height of their tyranny and prosperous impiety, when they seemed to have no cause for it. An adverb of place for an adverb of time, of which there want not ex... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 14:6

SHAMED, i.e. desired and endeavoured to bring it to shame, or disappoint it. Compare PSALMS 6:10. Or, _ye have reproached or derided_ it, as a foolish thing. THE COUNSEL OF THE POOR, i.e. the cause which he hath taken to defend himself, which is not by lying, and, flattery, and violence, and all man... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 14:7

OH THAT THE SALVATION OF ISRAEL WERE COME OUT OF ZION! These words directly and immediately concern the deliverance of the people of Israel out of that sinful and deplorable estate in which they now were; which having described in the body of the Psalm, he concludes, after his manner, with a prayer... [ Continue Reading ]

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