Psalms 141:1

PSALM 141 THE ARGUMENT. This Psalm also must he referred to the time of David's persecution by Saul. It is a humble prayer that God would deliver him from the rage and malice of his enemies, and from those sins to which he might be inclined or provoked upon that occasion. David prayeth that he might... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:2

BE SET FORTH BEFORE THEE, Heb. _be directed to thy face_. Let it not be lost, but let it come unto thee and find audience. AS INCENSE; owned and accepted by thee no less than the increase, which by thy command, EXODUS 30:7, &c., is offered upon thine altar, from which I am now banished, and so disen... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:3

That I may not through mine own infirmity, and the great provocations of mine enemies, break forth into any unadvised speeches, or any expressions of impatience, or distrust, or envy, or malice, &c. MY LIPS, which are the door of my mouth whence words come forth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:4

INCLINE NOT; suffer it not to be inclined or led aside, either by my own errors or lusts, or by the temptations of the world or of the devil. Thus God is frequently said to _harden men's hearts_, not positively, for he can do no evil, nor tempt any man to it, JAMES 1:3; but privatively, by denying s... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:5

SMITE ME, to wit, with his tongue by reproofs, as the next clause explains it, which are called _wounds_, PROVERBS 27:6. As I pray unto thee that thou wouldst keep me from sinful practices, so I beg it of all just men, that if I do transgress, or if by the arts and slanders of mine enemies any of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:6

THEIR JUDGES; the chief of mine enemies, their governors civil and military. ARE OVERTHROWN; or, _shall be overthrown_, or cast down headlong by thine exemplary vengeance. Or, as others, were left free, unhurt by me, when it was in my power to destroy them; of which see 1Sa 24$ 26$ to which historie... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:7

OUR BONES; my bones, and the bones of my friends and followers. Our skin and flesh is in a manner consumed, and there is nothing left of us but a company of dead and dry belles; whereby he intimates that their condition was desperate. Compare EZEKIEL 37:11. ARE SCATTERED AT THE GRAVE'S MOUTH; either... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:8

Or, _naked_, as this word signifies, PSALMS 137:7, and Aaron is said to have _made the people naked_, EXODUS 32:25, i.e. deprived of thy favour and protection. Or, _do not pour out my soul_, to wit, unto death, as this word is used, ISAIAH 53:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 141:10

INTO THEIR OWN NETS, Heb. _into his nets_; either into God's nets, the relative being put without the antecedent, as is usual in such cases, where it is easily understood; or, each INTO HIS OWN NETS, to wit, the mischiefs which he designs against me. WITHAL, or, _together_, to wit, with my followers... [ Continue Reading ]

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