PSALM 19 THE ARGUMENT The design of this Psalm is to adore and magnify
the name of God, for the discovery of his wisdom, and power, and
goodness, both by his great and glorious works of creation and
providence, and especially by his word and the Holy Scripture; which
he prefers before the former. TH... [ Continue Reading ]
DAY UNTO DAY; or rather, _after_ (as the Hebrew _lamed_ oft signifies,
as EXODUS 16:1, EXODUS 29:38 2 CHRONICLES 30:21 PSALMS 96:2) _day_;
for the day doth not utter this to the day, but to us upon the day.
The sense is either,
1. That orderly, and constant, and useful succession of days and
nights... [ Continue Reading ]
Or, _understood_, as the verb oft signifies, as GENESIS 11:7, GENESIS
42:23 2 KINGS 18:26 1 CORINTHIANS 14:2; for the _hearing_ of it would
have been insignificant without the understanding of it, in which the
force of the argument lies. The sense is, There are divers nations in
the world, which hav... [ Continue Reading ]
THEIR LINE; either,
1. Their admirable structure made exactly, and as it were by line: see
JOB 38:5 MALACHI 1:16. Or, 2. _Their lines_, the singular number being
put for the plural, for the line answereth to the words in the next
clause. And by _line_ or _lines_ he may understand their writing, as
t... [ Continue Reading ]
AS A BRIDEGROOM; gloriously adorned with light as with a beautiful
garment, and smiling upon the lower world with a pleasant countenance.
COMING OUT OF HIS CHAMBER; in which he is poetically supposed to have
rested all night, and thence to break forth as it were on a sudden, as
both sacred and profa... [ Continue Reading ]
His course is constant from east to west, and thence to the east
again. There is no part of the earth which doth not one time or other
feel the comfort and benefit of its light and heat.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LAW OF THE LORD, i.e. the doctrine delivered by God to his church,
whether by Moses or by other prophets, and holy men of God after him;
for the title of _law_ is given not only to the ten commandments, or
the moral law, as it is ROMANS 2:23,25,27 3:31, but also to the whole
word of God, as PSAL... [ Continue Reading ]
_ Statutes_, another word signifying the same thing with law and
testimonies, are right; both in themselves, as being free from
crookedness or error; and in their effect, as guiding and directing
men in the right and ready way to eternal happiness: which also
reflects upon that knowledge of divine t... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FEAR OF THE LORD; by which he understands not the grace of God's
fear, as this phrase is commonly taken; nor the whole worship of God,
as it is taken PSALMS 34:9,11 MT 15:9; but the law and word of God,
which is the only thing that is here commended, and which is meant by
all the other parallel... [ Continue Reading ]
THAN MUCH FINE GOLD; than gold of the best quality, and in the
greatest quantity. SWEETER ALSO THAN HONEY; which was most sweet in
those Eastern countries. THE HONEYCOMB; than that honey which the bees
have most diligently wrought in their combs, and which freely flows
from them; which is sweeter th... [ Continue Reading ]
THY SERVANT; I thy servant, though a king and a prophet, and of some
repute for wisdom and knowledge, yet I am daily taught by them.
WARNED, or, _enlightened_, as DANIEL 12:3; or clearly admonished, as
this word signifies, EXODUS 18:20 2 KINGS 6:10 ECCLESIASTES 4:13
EZEKIEL 3:17, &c.; EZEKIEL 33:3,9... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO CAN UNDERSTAND? this may be here added, either,
1. As a further proof of the excellency and necessity of God's law,
because men's errors are so many and hard to be discovered and
prevented, that they indispensably need such a friend and counsellot
as the law is, to give them the true knowledge... [ Continue Reading ]
KEEP BACK, OR RESTRAIN, OR WITHDRAW; which word is emphatical, and
signifies man's natural and great proneness even to the worst of sins,
and the necessity of God's grace, as a bridle, to keep men from
rushing upon them. Having begged pardon for his former errors, he now
begs grace to keep him from... [ Continue Reading ]
Having prayed that God would keep him from sinful actions, he now
prays that God would govern and sanctify his words and thoughts,
wherein he had many ways offended, as he here implies, and oft in this
book confesseth and bewaileth. And this he the rather doth, because
this caution was very necessar... [ Continue Reading ]