Psalms 20:1

PSALM 20 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm contains a prayer to be used by the people, both now on the behalf of king David, when he was undertaking some great expedition, going forth, as is supposed, against the Ammonites and Syrians, 2SA 10, or some other potent enemies, and hereafter in like cases. The chu... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:2

FROM THE SANCTUARY; either, 1. From heaven, as it is expressed, PSALMS 20:6. Or rather, 2. From the tabernacle in Zion, as it is explained in the next words, where the ark then was; toward which the Israelites directed their prayers, and from which God heard and answered them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:3

REMEMBER, to wit, with acceptance, as it follows. THY OFFERINGS; offered either by thee at thy entrance upon this expedition; or by us thy people on thy behalf, or by thine appointment. ACCEPT, Heb. _turn to ashes_, by fire sent from heaven in token of his acceptance, as was usual; of which see LEVI... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:4

ACCORDING TO THINE OWN HEART, i.e. that good success which thy heart desires. ALL THY COUNSELS; thy present design for God, and for his and thy people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:5

WE WILL REJOICE: hereby they show their confidence in God, and their assurance of the victory. IN THE NAME OF OUR GOD, i.e. to the honour of God, as the Conqueror. WE WILL SET UP OUR BANNERS, in way of triumph; which among other ways was celebrated by the setting up of banners or trophies.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:6

We are already sure of victory, by the consideranon of God's power, and faithfulness, and love to David, and to his people. They speak as one person, because they were united and unanimous in this prayer. SAVETH, i.e. will certainly save. HIS ANOINTED; our lord and king. WITH THE SAVING STRENGTH OF... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:7

SOME TRUST; or, _remember_; which may better be applied out of the next clause. WE WILL REMEMBER; or, _make mention of_, to wit, so as to boast of it, or trust in it; for such things men oft remember or mention.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:8

THEY ARE BROUGHT DOWN from their horses and chariots, to which they trusted. Heb. _They bowed down_, as being unable to stand longer, because of their mortal wounds. Compare JUDGES 5:27. BUT WE stand firmly upon our legs, and keep the field, as conquerors use to do.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 20:9

Either, 1. David. So the sense is, O Lord, preserve and assist the king, that when we are distressed and cry to him for help, he may be able and ready to help us. Or, 2. God, the supreme Monarch, the King of kings, and in a peculiar manner the King of Israel, hear and answer us, when we pray for o... [ Continue Reading ]

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