Psalms 22:1

PSALM 22 THE ARGUMENT That question mentioned ACTS 8:34, is very proper here. _Of whom speaketh the prophet this (Psalm)? of himself, or of some other man?_ It is confessed that David was a type of Christ, and that many Psalms, or passages of the Psalms, though properly and literally understood of D... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:2

i.e. I continue praying day and night without intermission. Or thus, _I have no silence_, i.e. no quietness or rest, as this word signifies, JUDGES 18:9; in which respect also the sea and waves thereof are said to _be silent_, i.e. still and quiet, PSALMS 107:29 MARK 4:39. And so this last clause an... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:3

THOU ART HOLY, i. e just and true in all thy ways, and therefore hearing prayers, and keeping thy covenant; a true lover of holiness, and of all holy men. This he adds, either, 1. To aggravate his misery, that such a God should neglect and forsake him. Or rather, 2. To strengthen his faith, and to... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:6

Our fathers were honoured by thee and by others, because of thy appearance for their defence and deliverance; but I am treated like a worm, i.e. neglected and despised, both by thee, who dost not afford me help, and by the men of my age and nation, as it follows. For the phrase, see JOB 25:6 ISAIAH... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:7

LAUGH ME TO SCORN; instead of pitying or helping, deride me, and insult over me; such is their inhumanity. THEY SHOOT OUT THE LIP; they gape with their mouths, and put forth their tongues, in mockery. See JOB 16:10 ISAIAH 57:4. THEY SHAKE THE HEAD; another posture of scoffers. See JOB 16:4 PSALMS 44... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:8

HE TRUSTED ON THE LORD; he rolled himself UPON THE LORD; where they seem to scoff not only at the thing, but at the expression. Their sense is, He pretended that he did wholly lean, and rest himself, and cast his cares upon God, and quietly and confidently commit all his affairs to his providence, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:9

This is noted as an effect of God's wonderful and gracious providence. And although this be a mercy which God grants to all mankind, yet it may well be alleged here, partly in way of gratitude for this great, though common, mercy; nething being more reasonable and usual than for David and other holy... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:10

I was like one forsaken by his parent, and cast wholly upon thy providence. I had no father upon earth, and my mother was poor and helpless.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:11

BE NOT FAR FROM ME, to wit, as to affection and succour. TROUBLE IS NEAR _at hand_, and ready to swallow me up; and therefore if thou dost not speedily deliver me, it will be too late; which is an argument that David oft useth, as PSALMS 6:5, PSALMS 88:11, &c. THERE IS NONE TO HELP; thy help therefo... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:12

BULLS; wicked, and violent, and potent enemies; for such are so called, EZEKIEL 39:18 AMOS 4:1. STRONG BULLS OF BASHAN, i.e. fat and lusty, as the cattle there bred were, DEUTERONOMY 3:13, DEUTERONOMY 32:14, and therefore fierce and furious.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:13

Partly to affright me, and principally to tear and devour me, as the following metaphor explains it. Otherwise it might be understood of their crying out with loud and earnest voices, that he might be condemned and put to death.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:14

I AM POURED OUT LIKE WATER; my heart faileth, my spirits are spent and gone like water, which once spilt can never be recovered; my very flesh is melted within me, and I am become as weak as water. See the like phrase JOSHUA 7:5, and compare 2 SAMUEL 14:14 JOB 14:11. ALL MY BONES ARE OUT OF JOINT; I... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:15

I have in a manner no more radical moisture left in me than is in a dry potsherd. MY TONGUE ELEAVETH TO MY JAWS, through that excessive thirst and drought. See 1 THESSALONIANS 19:20. THOU HAST BROUGHT ME INTO THE DUST OF DEATH; partly by thy providence delivering me into the power of mine enemies, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:16

He calls his enemies DOGS for their vileness and filthiness, for their insatiable greediness and implacable fury and fierceness against him. He explains what he means by _dogs_, even wicked men, who are oft so called, not some few of them singly, but the whole _company_ or _congregation_ of them; wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:17

I MAY TELL ALL MY BONES; partly through my leanness, caused by excessive grief, which is much more credible of Christ than of David; and partly by my being stretched out upon the cross. THEY LOOK AND STARE UPON ME, to wit, with delight and complacency in my calamities, as this phrase is used, PSALMS... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:18

This also cannot be applied to David without an uncouth and strained metaphor, but was literally fulfilled in Christ, MATTHEW 27:35 1 THESSALONIANS 19:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:20

FROM THE SWORD, i.e. from the rage and violence of mine enemies, as the next clause explains it, and as the sword is oft taken in Scripture. See JEREMIAH 25:16,27,29 EZE 38:21. MY DARLING, Heb. _my one_, or _only one_, to wit, _his soul_, as he now said; which he so calls, either because it was very... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:21

THE LION; either the devil, that raging and roaring lion, who did many ways assault and annoy him; or his lionlike enemies. HEARD ME, i.e. answered and delivered me. UNICORN; a strong, and fierce, and untamable wild beast; though the learned are not agreed about the kind of it. See of it DEUTERONOMY... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:22

I WILL DECLARE, i.e. publish or celebrate it; when thou hast delivered me, thou shalt have the glory of it, as now thy honouris eclipsed by my calamities. THY NAME, i.e. that power, and faithfulness, and goodness, and those perfections which thou hast manifested on my behalf. MY BRETHREN; the same w... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:23

PRAISE HIM; partly for my sake, and chiefly for your own benefit received by my deliverance. ALL YE THE SEED OF ISRAEL: the two universal particles seem to intimate that he speaks not only of the carnal, but also of the spiritual seed; which also is more than probable, by comparing this with PSALMS... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:24

HE HATH NOT DESPISED: I was despised by the people, PSALMS 22:6, but not by God. NOR ABHORRED, i.e. he did not turn away his face from it, as men do from things which they abhor, but looked upon it with compassion. NEITHER HATH HE HID HIS FACE FROM HIM, to wit, for ever; for he did so for a time; bu... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:25

IN THE GREAT CONGREGATION; either in the general assemblies of the Israelites at their solemn feasts; or in the universal church, made up of Jews and Gentiles, as the following verses explain it. MY VOWS, i.e. those praises and services which in my distress I vowed to return unto thee when thou dids... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:26

THE MEEK, i.e. faithful or godly persons, who are frequently called meek ones, as PSALMS 25:9, PSALMS 76:9 149:4 ISAIAH 11:4, ISAIAH 61:1 ZEPHANIAH 2:3, because the grace of God doth soften and sweeten the hearts of sinners, and subdues their pride, and passion, and rebellion against God, and their... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:27

ALL THE ENDS OF THE WORLD, i.e. all nations, from one end of the world to the other. So this is an evident prophecy of the calling of the Gentilesto the knowledge of God and Christ by thy gospel, and consequently a clear proof that this Psalm doth directly and immediately speak of Christ; to whom al... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:28

This is added as a reason why the Gentiles should be converted, because God is not only the God and Lord of the Jews, but also of the Gentiles, and of all nations, ROMANS 3:29,30. And therefore though for a time he thought fit to confine his kingdom to Israel, yet he had resolved in due time to enla... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:29

ALL, i.e. many of them, as the word all is oft used, as PSALMS 72:11 MATTHEW 2:5; MATTHEW 3:11 LUKE 6:26 1 THESSALONIANS 3:26 2 TIMOTHY 3:9. THEY THAT BE FAT UPON EARTH, i.e. kings and princes, and the great men of the world, who are oft described by this metaphor, as Psalms 78:31 Isai [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:30

Christ shall not want a seed or posterity, HEBREWS 2:13; for though the Jewish nation should generally reject and forsake him, which may seem to be here implied, Christ shall have many disciples or followers, and the Gentiles shall come in their stead. Compare this promise with that, he shall see hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 22:31

THEY; either the converts and worshippers, ver. PSALMS 22:27,29; or their seed last mentioned, PSALMS 22:30. Or this may be indefinitely spoken, as such verbs are oft used, THEY SHALL COME, i.e. some or other shall come, and do the work here mentioned, to wit, the apostles and ministers of the gospe... [ Continue Reading ]

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