Psalms 29:1

PSALM 29 THE ARGUMENT It is supposed that this Psalm was made upon the occasion of some terrible tempest of thunder and rain; which God might possibly send in the time of battle to assist David, and discomfit his enemies; as he had done formerly upon like occasions. It contains an admonition to the... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:2

THE GLORY DUE UNTO HIS NAME, i.e. the honour which he deserves; which is to prefer him before all other gods, and to forsake all others, and to own him as the Almighty, and the only true God. IN THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS; or, _of the sanctuary_, which is commonly called by this name; in his holy and be... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:3

THE VOICE OF THE LORD, i.e. thunder, as is manifest from the next clause, and the following effects; which is oft called the Lord's voice, as EXODUS 9:23,28,29 JOB 37:4,5 PSA 18:14 46:6. Upon the waters; either, 1. UPON THE SEAS; where its noise spreads far and wide, and is very terrible. But the fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:5

By thunder-bolts; which have oft thrown down trees and towers. LEBANON; a place famous for strong and lofty cedars. See 2 CHRONICLES 2:8 SONG OF SOLOMON 3:9, SONG OF SOLOMON 5:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:6

HE MAKETH THEM; the cedars last mentioned; which being broken by the thunder, the parts of them are suddenly and violently hurled about hither and thither. SIRION; a high mountain beyond Jordan joining to Lebanon; of which see DEUTERONOMY 3:9, DEUTERONOMY 4:48. Lebanon and Sirion are here understood... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:7

DIVIDETH, Heb. _heweth out_, i.e. it breaketh out of the clouds, and thereby makes way for the lightnings, which are suddenly dispersed over the face of the earth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:8

THE WILDERNESS, i.e. either the trees, or rather the beasts of the wilderness, by a metonymy, as before, PSALMS 29:6. Compare this with the next verse. KADESH; which he mentions as an eminent wilderness, vast and terrible, and well known to the Israelites, NUMBERS 20:1,16, and wherein possibly they... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:9

MAKETH THE HINDS TO CALVE, through the terror which it causeth, which hastens the birth in these and other places: see 1 SAMUEL 4:19. He nameth the HINDS, because they bring forth their young with difficulty, JOB 39:1,2. DISCOVERETH, Heb. _maketh bare_; either of its trees, which it either breaks or... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:10

He moderateth and ruleth (which is oft signified by sitting, this being the posture of a judge, or ruler; of which see PSALMS 9:7 47:8 JOEL 3:12) the most abundant and violent inundations of waters, which sometimes fall from the clouds upon the earth; where they would do much mischief if God did not... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 29:11

THE LORD WILL GIVE STRENGTH, to support and preserve them in the most dreadful tempests, and consequently in all other dangers, and against all their enemies. THE LORD WILL BLESS HIS PEOPLE WITH PEACE, though now he sees fit to exercise them with some troubles.... [ Continue Reading ]

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