PSALM 29 THE ARGUMENT It is supposed that this Psalm was made upon the occasion of some terrible tempest of thunder and rain; which God might possibly send in the time of battle to assist David, and discomfit his enemies; as he had done formerly upon like occasions. It contains an admonition to the potentates of the earth, and especially to those who bordered upon the land of Israel, that they would own and worship the true God; which he presseth from the great majesty and power of Israel's God above all other gods, and particularly from that great and glorious instance thereof in thunder; which hath struck the proudest monarchs with the dread of that God, whom at other times they despised. David exhorteth the mighty of this world to give glory to God, Psalms 29:1,2; who manifesteth his power by thunder, lightning, and other creatures, $Psalms 29:3. He showeth God's protection and blessing of his people, $Psalms 29:11. O ye mighty; ye potentates and rulers of the earth. To these he addresseth his speech; partly because they are most apt to forget and contemn God, and insolently to assume a kind of deity to themselves; and partly because their conviction and conversion was likely to have a great and powerful influence upon their people. Give unto the Lord, by a humble and thankful acknowledgment of it; for otherwise we can give nothing to God. Glory and strength, i.e. the glory of his strength, or power, which is the attribute set forth in this Psalm; or, his glorious strength.

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