He maketh them; the cedars last mentioned; which being broken by the thunder, the parts of them are suddenly and violently hurled about hither and thither. Sirion; a high mountain beyond Jordan joining to Lebanon; of which see Deuteronomy 3:9, Deuteronomy 4:48. Lebanon and Sirion are here understood, either,

1. Properly; and so they are said to skip or leap, both here and Psalms 114:4, by a poetical hyperbole, very usual both in Scripture and other authors; which is so known, that it is needless to give any instances of it. Or,

2. Metonymically for the trees or people of them, as the wilderness, Psalms 29:8, may seem to be taken; and as the earth, by the same figure, is frequently put for the people which dwell in it. Unicorn, Heb. reem; of which see See Poole on "Numbers 23:22 Psalms 22:21".

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