Trust in the Lord; depend upon God's providence and promise for thy protection and sustentation, for their infidelity is the root of their wickedness. Do good; continue in the practice of that which is good and well-pleasing to God. So shalt thou dwell in the land, i.e. upon this condition shalt dwell safely and quietly in Canaan; as God had oft promised. In the Hebrew it is, dwell in the land, as if, it were a command to abide in Canaan when troubles come, and not to flee to the Philistines or other heathens for shelter, as he had foolishly done. But it is rather a promise, by comparing this with Psalms 37:27,29; such promises being oft expressed by imperative verbs put for futures, as Genesis 12:2, Genesis 42:18 Psalms 128:6 Amos 5:4. Verily thou shalt be fed, Heb. thou shalt be fed (i.e. every way provided for) in truth, i.e. truly or assuredly; or with or by faith, as this word signifies, i. e. by thy trusting in the Lord; thou shalt live by thy faith, as is said, Habakkuk 2:4.

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