Thy wonderful works; for which I and the rest of thy people, included in the pronoun plural us, have abundant cause to praise thee, and to trust in thee, as was said, Psalms 40:3; and by which it will appear that he that trusteth in thee is in a most blessed and safe condition, as he said, Psalms 40:4. And this verse, wherein he passeth from the singular number to the plural, may seem to be interposed as a wall of partition, between that which David speaks in his own person, and that which he speaks in the person of the Messias, in the following verses. Thy thoughts, i.e. thy gracious counsels or contrivances. To us-ward, i.e. to me and to the rest of thy people, with whom David oft joins himself in this book. But these words may be, and are by some, joined to the following words, and the place thus rendered: It is not with us, or in our power, i.e. it passeth our skill, (and reach,) to order or to reckon them up in order unto thee, because indeed they are innumerable, and therefore cannot be digested into any order. If I would declare; so the particle if or when is wanting, and to be supplied here, as it is Psalms 39:11, and in many other places. Heb. yet I will declare and speak, to wit, some part of them; which accordingly he doth in the following verses. They are more than can be numbered; although I am not able to express or reckon them all.

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