Psalms 46:1

PSALM 46 THE ARGUMENT The occasion of this Psalm is thought to be that happy success, and settlement, and peace which God granted to the people of Israel in David's time, and by his means, 2SA 8 The confidence and safe condition of the church under God's care, PSALMS 46:1; manifested in his wonderfu... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:2

Though there should be nothing but shakings, and confusions, and desolations in all the nations round about us; which are oft expressed by such metaphors, as JEREMIAH 51:25 HAGGAI 2:21,22 REV 6:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:3

Though the sea be very tempestuous, and its waters (by which a multitude of people is oft signified, as REVELATION 17:1,15) rage, to Wit, against us, as appears from the following verses. Though its raging waves assault mighty princes and kingdoms, and make them shake and be ready to fall down.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:4

He either speaks of, or at least alludes to, the river of Kidron, 2 SAMUEL 15:23 1 THESSALONIANS 18:1, and its two streams or rivulets flowing from it, Gihon and Shiloah, 2 CHRONICLES 32:30 ISAIAH 8:6, which being small and contemptible, or still or gentle waters, are not unfitly opposed to the vast... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:5

Heb. as soon as the morning appeareth, i.e. speedily, after a short night of affliction; compare PSALMS 30:5; and seasonably, when the danger is greatest, and the enemies prepare to make the assault; which is commonly done in the morning.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:6

THE HEATHEN RAGED, to wit, against God, and against his people. HE UTTERED HIS VOICE; either he thundered, or he spake to them in his wrath, as is said, PSALMS 2:5. THE EARTH MELTED; the inhabitants of the earth who were combined against Zion were dispirited and consumed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:8

i.e. Among those people of the earth who were neighbouring and vexatious to God's people, and therefore were cut off by David, and their lands and cities in great part wasted.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:9

He hath ended our wars, and settled us in a firm and well-grounded peace. THE END OF THE EARTH, or _of this land_, to wit, of Israel; from one end of it to the other. He speaks of the bows, and spears, and chariots of their enemies; for he preserved those which belonged to his people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 46:10

He speaks either, 1. To the Israelites, BE STILL, i.e. Do you henceforth silently and quietly wait upon me without fear or diffidence. Or rather, 2. _To the heathen_, who had _raged_, PSALMS 46:6; and therefore now he seasonably admonisheth them _to be still_, and to stir no more against God's peop... [ Continue Reading ]

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