PSALM 47 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm may seem to have been composed upon the occasion of that great solemnity of carrying the ark from the house of Obed-edom into the city of Zion; of which see 2Sa 6$ 1Ch 13$ 1Ch 16 $. But as Zion was a type of the church, and the ark a type of Christ; so this hath a further reference, even to Christ's ascension into heaven, and, as consequent thereunto, to the spreading of his kingdom in all the parts and nations of the world; which is the chief scope and design of the psalmist. or at least of the Holy Ghost, in this Psalm; as will plainly appear from the words and matter of it. The church is exhorted to praise God, who subdueth her enemies, Psalms 47:1, and giveth her an excellent inheritance, Psalms 47:4. A promise of calling and gathering the Gentiles, Psalms 47:8,9. All ye people; either,

1. All the tribes of Israel; for the several tribes are sometimes called several people. See Judges 5:14 Ezekiel 2:3 Acts 4:27. Or,

2. All nations, not only Jews, but Gentiles; for all of them either had or might have benefit by the ark, upon their addresses to God there, and especially by Christ and his ascension. Shout unto God, in the worship and unto the glory of the God of Israel.

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