Psalms 48:1

PSALM 48 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm was composed upon the occasion of some eminent deliverance vouchsafed by God to the city of Jerusalem from some potent enemy and dreadful danger; either that in Jehoshaphat's time, 2CH 20 $, or that under Hezekiah, 2Ki 18$, 19$; in both which times there were holy pr... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:2

THE JOY OF THE WHOLE EARTH: Jerusalem may be so called here, as it is also LAMENTATIONS 2:15, not actually, as if all people did rejoice in it, or for it; but, 1. Fundamentally or causally, because here was very great cause or ground or rejoicing for the Gentile world, if they had understood themsel... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:3

GOD IS KNOWN to his people by sensible and long experience, and to all neighbouring nations by their own observation. IN HER PALACES, i. e in the habitations, or to the inhabitants of that city. Possibly he may here point at the king's palace and the temple, which was the palace of the King of heave... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:4

Either those kings confederate against Jehoshaphat, 2CH 20; or the Assyrian princes, whom they vain-gloriously called KINGS, ISAIAH 10:8. THEY PASSED BY, in their march towards Jerusalem. Or, _they passed away_, i.e. departed without the success which they desired and confidently expected.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:5

THEY SAW IT; they did only look upon it, but _not come into it, nor shoot an arrow there, nor cast a bank against it_, as is said upon this or the like occasion, 2 KINGS 19:32. SO THEY MARVELLED, not so much at the structure or strength of the city, as at the wonderful works wrought by God on their... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:6

Partly at the tidings of Tirhakah's coming against them, 2 KINGS 19:9, and partly for that terrible slaughter of their army there, 2 KINGS 19:35.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:7

This is not reported as a matter of fact, for we read of no ships in those expeditions to which this Psalm relates, nor did any ships come near Jerusalem, because that was at a great distance from the sea, and from any navigable river running into the sea; but only added by way of illustration or al... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:8

The predictions of the prophets, either 2 CHRONICLES 20:14, or 2 KINGS 19:20, &c., have been verified by the events. Or, we have had late and fresh experiences of such wonderful works of God, as before we only heard of by the report of our fathers. From this miraculous deliverance we plainly see tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:9

It hath been the matter of our serious and deep meditation, when we have been worshipping there in thy temple. For when the priests were offering incense or sacrifice, the religious people exercised themselves in holy meditation or secret prayer to God, as may be gathered from LUKE 1:10, and many ot... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:10

For this and such-like glorious actions thou art praised and acknowledged, and evidently proved to be such a one as thou hast affirmed thyself to be in thy word, _God almighty, or all-sufficient, the Lord of hosts, the King of thy church and people, and a strong Tower to all that trust in thee_, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:11

MOUNT ZION; synecdochically put for Jerusalem. _The daughters of Judah_, i.e. the other and lesser cities and towns or villages (i.e. all the people) of Judah; for such are commonly called daughters in respect of the mother city, to which they are subjects: see JOSHUA 15:45, JOSHUA 17:16 PSALMS 45:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:12

He speaketh, either, 1. To the enemies, as triumphing over them. Or rather, 2. To the people of that city and kingdom, who had been eye-witnesses of this glorious work of God, as appears from the following verses. He bids them _mark well her towers, bulwarks, and palaces_, here, and PSALMS 48:13,... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:13

CONSIDER; or, _exalt_, or _admire_, _Tell it to the generation following_, that they may be excited to continue their praises to God for this mercy, by which they hold and enjoy all their blessings, and to trust in God in the like difficulties for the future.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 48:14

THIS GOD; who hath done this great work. EVEN UNTO DEATH, i.e. whilst we have a being. Birth and life, and the several ages of life and death, are oft ascribed to churches and commonwealths, both in Scripture and in other authors. This promise was made to the old and earthly Jerusalem, upon conditio... [ Continue Reading ]

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