The joy of the whole earth: Jerusalem may be so called here, as it is also Lamentations 2:15, not actually, as if all people did rejoice in it, or for it; but,

1. Fundamentally or causally, because here was very great cause or ground or rejoicing for the Gentile world, if they had understood themselves, or their true interest; because here God was graciously present and ready to hear and answer the just desires and prayers, not only of the Israelites, but of any stranger, of what nation soever, according to Solomon's prayer, 1 Kings 8:41, &c.; and here the Gentiles might find that God, whom like blind men they groped for, as the Greek phrase implies, Acts 17:27; and here they might be informed of the nature and properties, as also of the mind and will, of the almighty and everlasting God, of which they were so grossly ignorant, and of that Messias who was the desire of (and consequently matter of great joy unto) all nations, Haggai 2:7. And,

2. Prophetically, because the joyful doctrine of the gospel was to go from thence unto all nations; of which see Isaiah 2:2,3 Mic 4:1,2. Yet these words may be and are by others rendered and understood thus, the joy of the, or this, (for here is an emphatical article,) whole land. On the sides of the north, i.e. which is on the northern part of Jerusalem. But because Josephus and some others affirm that Mount Zion stood southward from Jerusalem, this clause possibly may be added to signify that Zion is not here to be understood strictly and properly for that mountain, or part of the mountain so called, but for that other mountain, or part of the same mountain upon which the temple was built, which was strictly called Moriah, but is here called Zion, because that name was far better known in Scripture, as being oft put for the temple, as Psalms 137:3 Isaiah 18:7 Jeremiah 51:10 Lamentations 5:18, and for the whole city, and for the church of God, in a multitude of places of Scripture. The city of the great King, i.e. the city of God, as it was now called, Psalms 48:1, who justly calls himself a great King, Zechariah 1:14, as being King of kings, and Lord of lords, Revelation 19:16.

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