If thou wouldst know what sacrifices I most prize, and indispensably require, in the first place, it is that of thankfulness and praise proportionable to my great, and glorious, and numberless favours; which doth not consist barely in verbal acknowledgments, but proceeds from a heart truly and deeply affected with God's mercies, and is accompanied with such a course of life as is gratified or well-pleasing to God; all which is plainly comprehended in thanksgiving, as that duty is explained in other Scriptures. Thy vows; either,

1. Ceremonial vows, the sacrifices which thou hast vowed to God. Or rather,

2. Moral vows; for the things here mentioned are directly opposed unto sacrifices, and preferred before them; for having disparaged, and in some sort rejected, their sacrifices and burnt-offerings, Psalms 50:8, it is not likely that he should have a better opinion of, or value for, their vowed sacrifices; which were of an inferior sort. He seems therefore to understand those substantial vows, and promises, and covenants, which were the very soul of their sacrifices, and to which their sacrifices were but appurtenances and seals, as was noted above, on Psalms 50:5, whereby they did avouch the Lord to be their God, and to walk in his ways, &c., as it is expressed, Deuteronomy 26:17, and engaged themselves to love, and serve, and obey the Lord according to that solemn vow and covenant which they entered into at Sinai, Exodus 24:3,7,8, which they oft renewed, and indeed did implicitly repeat in all their sacrifices, which were appointed for this very end, to confirm this covenant.

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