I kept silence; I did not express my displeasure against thee in such grievous judgments as thou didst deserve. Or, I was deaf; I carried myself like one that did not hear thy sinful speeches, nor see or take any notice of thy wicked actions. And thou didst misconstrue and abuse this my patience and long-suffering, as if it had proceeded from my ignorance, or regardlessness, or approbation of thy evil courses, which I seemed by my connivance to justify or allow, and thereupon didst grow more audacious and impudent in sin. See Ecclesiastes 11:9 Isaiah 26:10 Romans 2:4,5. I will reprove thee, not with verbal, but real reproofs, i.e. by severe punishments, as this word is used, Job 13:10 Psalms 6:1, Psalms 38:1 39:11, and oft elsewhere. I will quickly undeceive and convince thee of the contrary to thy cost. Set them in order before thine eyes; I will bring to thy remembrance, and lay upon thy conscience, all thy sins, in full number and in their order, with all their circumstances; and thou shalt then see and know that I diligently observed and hated them all, and that none of them shall go unpunished.

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