From death; which my enemies designed, and my extreme dangers threatened. I am confident that thou wilt deliver, because of thy promises, and my former experience. That I may walk before God, i.e. that I may please, and serve, and glorify thee, as this phrase implies, Genesis 5:24, compared with Hebrews 11:5, as also Genesis 6:9, Genesis 17:1 1 Samuel 2:30; which is the great end for which I desire life. In the light of the living: either,

1. In heaven. Or rather,

2. In this life, which is here opposed to the death last mentioned, as it is Job 33:30, which is called light, Job 3:20, as death is called darkness, Job 10:21,22, and oft elsewhere, and which is expressed by beholding the light and the sun, Ecclesiastes 11:7.

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