In God I will praise his word: the sense is, either,

1. I will praise or boast in the Lord's word, or the Lord for his word. Or, 2. With or by the Lord (i.e. by his favour or help) I will praise his word. Or rather,

3. This, as I humbly conceive: There are many things to be praised and celebrated in God, his power and wisdom, &c.; but amongst all, and above all, I shall at this time praise him for his word, which he hath magnified above all his name, as is said, Psalms 138:2, even for his promises of protection and deliverance made to his people in all their exigencies, and particularly and especially for that promise of the kingdom made to me; for which I will now praise him, because I am as sure of its accomplishment as if I had it already in mine hand. Flesh; infirm and mortal men, altogether unable to oppose thy infinite Majesty; called flesh by way of contempt, as Psalms 78:39 Isaiah 31:3 Jeremiah 17:5.

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