PSALM 58 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm was composed, as very many others were, upon the occasion of those wicked calumnies, and unjust censures and sentences, which were passed upon him by Saul and his courtiers. David, reproving wicked judges, describeth their nature, Psalms 58:1; and prayeth God to punish and destroy them, Psalms 58:6, for his own glory, and the joy of the righteous, Psalms 58:10,11. Do ye indeed speak righteousness? the question implies a denial. You censure me freely, without any regard to truth or justice. Congregation: the word signifies a band or company of men, and seems to point at Saul's judges and counsellors; who met together to consult what they should do against David, and probably passed a sentence upon him, as guilty of treason and rebellion. Sons of men; so he calls them, either,

1. In contempt and opposition to the sons of God, or good men. Or,

2. By way of admonition, to mind them that they also were men, and must give an account to God for all their hard speeches and unrighteous decrees against him.

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