Ashamed of their vain hopes and confidence of conquering and destroying me. Or, they shall be ashamed, because of their great and unexpected disappointment. Let them return, to wit, from their wicked ways, from their hostile and malicious practices against me, and let them come and submit to me, from whom they have revolted. Or, let them turn back, as it is expressed, Psalms 56:9; let them be put to flight. Or, let them be converted, i.e. repent of their sins, and return to their obedience to me. Although it seems more probable, both from the foregoing and following words, that this turning or returning is rather penal than penitential. Or, they shall turn or return. Or this verb may be taken adverbially, and joined to the following verb, as it is frequently in other places, and both may be thus rendered, let them, or they shall, be again ashamed; clothed, as it were, with double shame. Suddenly; sooner than I could hope, or they did expect or believe.

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