Psalms 63:1

PSALM 63 Where he hid himself from Saul, 1 SAMUEL 22:5, 1 SAMUEL 23:14,15 26:1,2 David in the wilderness, complaining bitterly of his banishment from God's house, thirsteth and longeth for it, PSALMS 63:1. His manner of blessing God. His experience, hope, and delight in God, PSALMS 63:4. Comforteth... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:2

TO SEE, i.e. to enjoy, as seeing is oft taken. THY POWER AND THY GLORY; either, 1. The ark, which is called God's strength and glory, 1 SAMUEL 4:21 1 CHRONICLES 16:11 PSALMS 78:61. Or rather, 2. The powerful and glorious effects and evidences of thy gracious presence there. SO AS I HAVE SEEN THEE;... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:3

This is the reason of the foregoing thirst after God. THY LOVING-KINDNESS, i.e. the discoveries and influences of thy grace and favour, which thou usually impartest to thy people in the sanctuary. IS BETTER THAN LIFE; is more durable, and comfortable, and satisfactory than the present life, with all... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:4

THUS, i.e. so as I have done and now do. Or, upon that occasion, when I shall be restored. Or, for this reason, being so sensible of the sweetness of thy favour. Or, _certainly_; for this particle is sometimes used as a note of asseveration, as it is PSALMS 127:2 ISAIAH 16:6. I WILL LIFT UP MY HANDS... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:5

When thou shalt fulfil my earnest desire of enjoying thee in the sanctuary; though now in my exile I groan and pine away for want of that mercy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:7

REMEMBER THEE: in the mean time, whilst I cannot enjoy thee, I will quiet and comfort myself with the thoughts and remembrance of thy kindness to me. _Upon my bed_, Heb. _upon my beds_, implying that he was frequently forced to change his bed and lodging, being driven from place to place. _In the ni... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:8

FOLLOWETH HARD AFTER THEE, i.e. pursueth thee eagerly, diligently, and resolvedly, and as it were step by step, when thou seemest to run away from me; which is the emphasis of this Hebrew word. My soul and spirit cleaveth to thee, as this verb signifies, GENESIS 2:24 JEREMIAH 13:11, when my body is... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:9

TO DESTROY IT, i.e. to take away my life. INTO THE LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH; either, 1. Into hell. Or rather, 2. Into their grave, as this phrase is used, EZEKIEL 31:14,18. But how is this true, when they are supposed to be devoured by foxes, PSALMS 63:10 ? ANSW. This may be understood, either, 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:10

THEY SHALL FALL BY THE SWORD, i.e. die in battle, as David foretold, 1 SAMUEL 26:10, and as was accomplished in Saul and his followers, who were David's greatest enemies, 1SA 31. THEY SHALL BE A PORTION FOR FOXES; their carcasses shall be unburied upon the earth, and thereby become a prey to wild an... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 63:11

THE KING; I, who am already anointed king, and who shall be actually king, when these mine enemies are fallen by the sword. He speaks of himself in the third person, either out of modesty or out of prudence, because it was ambiguous, and might be understood either of himself or of Saul, whereby, he... [ Continue Reading ]

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