Psalms 64:1

PSALM 64 THE ARGUMENT The matter of this Psalm plainly declares that it was made in a time when David was greatly distressed and reproached; which he was both under Saul, and in the time of Absalom's rebellion. The psalmist complaining of his enemies, and describing their crafty and wicked practices... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:3

BEND THEIR BOWS TO SHOOT THEIR ARROWS; of which phrase SEE POOLE ON "PSALMS 58:7". _Bitter words_; slanderous and pernicious speeches against me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:4

IN SECRET; lying in ambush, or hiding themselves in secret places, as fowlers commonly do. THE PERFECT; or, _upright_ man; i.e. at me, who in spite of all their calumnies dare avow that my heart is perfect with God, and that I am blameless as to them, having given them no just provocation. SUDDENLY;... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:5

THEY ENCOURAGE THEMSELVES, Heb. _they strengthen or fortify themselves_, by firm resolutions, by assured confidence of success, by uniting their counsels and forces together, and by mutual encouragements and exhortations. WHO SHALL SEE THEM? their snares are so secretly laid that David cannot discer... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:6

THEY SEARCH OUT INIQUITIES; they study diligently and constantly to find out either matter, which they may lay to my charge, or new ways and means of doing me mischief. THEY ACCOMPLISH A DILIGENT SEARCH; they have long and accurately searched, till at last they have ripened and perfected their thoug... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:7

GOD SHALL SHOOT AT THEM; though I can neither search out or prevent their subtle devices, yet God can and will certainly do it. SUDDENLY; shortly and unexpectedly.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:8

The mischief of their hard speeches, and threats, and crafty counsels against me shall be turned against themselves. SHALL FLEE AWAY; partly through abhorrency of them, and partly through fear of being involved in their destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:9

ALL MEN, i.e. the greater number of those who shall see these events. THE WORK OF GOD, i.e. this admirable work of Divine power, and wisdom, and faithfulness. WISELY CONSIDER OF HIS DOING; learning wisdom by their folly and misery, and avoiding those evil courses which brought them to ruin.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 64:10

IN THE LORD; or, _for the Lord_, i.e. not out of malice or ill will to the persons of their enemies, but for the honour of God, which by this means is fully vindicated and greatly advanced. SHALL GLORY, to wit, in God, as their sure Rock and all-sufficient Portion.... [ Continue Reading ]

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