PSALM 66 THE ARGUMENT The author and time of the composing of this Psalm are uncertain. This is manifest, and sufficient for our understanding of it. That it was made upon the occasion of some great and glorious deliverance afforded to the Israelites, after and out of some grievous and general calamity, and, as some not improbably conceive, that out of Babylon. The prophet exhorteth all to praise God for his wonderful works, Psalms 66:1, especially for delivering his church out of all trouble, Psalms 66:9. He promiseth unto God thanksgiving, and to pay the vows he made in trouble, Psalms 66:13; calling to others to see God's goodness to his soul, blesseth him for it, Psalms 66:16. Ye people of all nations, who have seen the wonderful power, and wisdom, and fidelity, and goodness of God in our deliverance, it becomes you to acknowledge it with admiration and rejoicing. Or, all the land, or this land. But the former sense is more probable from Psalms 66:4, where this word is so used. And it is very proper in this place, and usual in other places of Scriptures, to invite the Gentile world to the contemplation and celebration of God's works to and for his people. See Deuteronomy 32:43 1 Chronicles 16:23,24.

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