Nor do we desire this mercy only for our comfort, but also for the advancement of thy glory, and the propagation of the true religion among all nations, who by the contemplation of thy gracious and wonderful works to and for us will be induced to love and serve thee, and to list themselves among thy people. By God's way he understands, either,

1. That way wherein God walks; or the manner of his dealing with his people: How gracious and bountiful a Master thou art to all thy servants! Or rather,

2. That way wherein God requires men to walk, the way of God's precepts, the way of truth, or the true religion; as the way or ways of the Lord are frequently taken, Genesis 17:19 Judges 2:22 Psalms 18:21 Psalms 119:1 Acts 18:25,26, &c.; the same which in the next clause is called his saving health, Heb. salvation; and both together signify the way of salvation, which the psalmist desires may be known among all nations; which was expected by the ancient and godly Jews at the coming of the Messias, who is called the way, 1 Thessalonians 14:6, and God's salvation, Luke 2:30. And so the sense of the place is this, Deal so graciously with thy people Israel, that thereby the Gentile world may at last be allured to join themselves with them, and to embrace their religion and Messias; according to that famous prophecy, Malachi 8:23, In those days ten men out of all nations shall take hold of the skirt of a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.

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