Psalms 72:1

PSALM 72 THE ARGUMENT That this Psalm was made by David is evident from PSALMS 72:20, and that it was made with respect to Solomon is no less certain from the very title of it: and that David, or at least the Holy Ghost, which dictated this Psalm, did took beyond Solomon, and unto the Messiah, of wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:2

HE SHALL JUDGE, to wit, if thou givest him what I have desired. And by this prediction he doth tacitly admonish him of, and oblige him to, the performance of his duty herein. Or, _Let him judge_; the future being put for the imperative, as hath been oft observed. So it is a prayer. THY PEOPLE; for t... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:3

He mentioneth the MOUNTAINS and HILLS, as bringing forth this blessed fruit; either because such places are usually barren, and therefore this was an evidence of extraordinary fruitfulness, and a special blessing of God; or because they are dangerous to passengers, in regard of the robbers and wild... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:4

JUDGE, i.e. vindicate them from their potent oppressors, as _judging_ is used, PSALMS 43:1, and oft elsewhere. THE CHILDREN OF THE NEEDY; whom the rich peradventure did seize upon for bondmen, upon some pretence or other.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:5

FEAR; or, _reverence_, or _worship_, as this word is used, ISAIAH 29:13, compared with MATTHEW 15:9, and elsewhere. _Thee_; either, 1. Thee, O king, to whom he suddenly turneth his speech. And so this is hyperbolically true of Solomon, but truly and literally of Christ. Or rather, 2. Thee, O God, o... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:6

COME DOWN, to wit, by the influences of his government upon his people under him. But this phrase doth much better agree to Christ, who was yet to come, and who did come down from heaven, and brought or sent down from heaven his doctrine, which is oft compared to rain, and the sweet and powerful inf... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:7

SHALL THE RIGHTEOUS FLOURISH; as the wicked shall be discountenanced and punished, so good men shall be encouraged, and advanced, and multiplied. SO LONG AS THE MOON ENDURETH, i.e. as long as time and the world shall last; which neither was nor could be true of Solomon, who lived not long, and the p... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:8

FROM SEA TO SEA; either, 1. From the Dead Sea or the Lake of Sodom, or from the Red Sea, to the Midland Sea; for so far did Solomon's dominion extend: but so did David's also; and therefore in that respect Solomon hath not that pre-eminence which this promise plainly seems to give him above his pre... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:9

IN THE WILDERNESS; in solitary places; even rude and barbarous people, who lived without order and government among themselves; of which sort great numbers submitted to Christ, and received the gospel. SHALL LICK THE DUST, i.e. shall prostrate themselves to the ground, in token of reverence and subj... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:10

OF TARSHISH AND OF THE ISLES; or, _of the sea_ (as Tarshish is understood, 1 KINGS 22:48 PSALMS 48:7) _and_ (or, that is; for that conjunction is oft used exegetically) _of the isles_, i.e. of remote countries, to which they used to go from Canaan by sea; all which are frequently called _isles_ in S... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:11

Which cannot be said of Solomon with any truth or colour, but was unquestionably verified in Christ; of whom therefore this must be understood. For what is said 1 KINGS 4:21, that _Solomon reigned over all kingdoms_, is there limited to them that reigned _from the river unto Egypt_; whereas the expr... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:12

The fame of his just and merciful government shall induce multitudes either to put themselves under him, or to show great respect and reverence to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:13

THE SOULS, properly so called; this being Christ's proper work to save souls; or, the lives, which oppressors shall endeavour to take away.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:14

DECEIT AND VIOLENCE; the two ways whereby the souls or lives of men are usually destroyed. PRECIOUS SHALL THEIR BLOOD BE IN HIS SIGHT; he will not be prodigal of the lives of his subjects, casting them away merely to gratify his own revenge, or covetousness, or insatiable desire of enlarging his emp... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:15

HE SHALL LIVE, to wit, long and prosperously, as Solomon did; yea, eternally, as Christ did. Other kings must lose both their lives and kingdoms; but this King, whom Solomon typified, shall live for ever, and his kingdom shall have no end. OF THE GOLD OF SHEBA; as a present, or tribute. This was don... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:16

AN HANDFUL OF CORN; which intimates the small beginnings of this kingdom; and therefore doth not agree to Solomon, whose kingdom was in a manner as large at the beginning of his reign ms at the end; but it exactly agrees to Christ and his kingdom, MATTHEW 13:31,32. IN THE EARTH; sown in the earth. U... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:17

HIS NAME; the honour and renown of his eminent wisdom, and justice, and goodness; which agrees but very obscurely; and imperfectly to Solomon, who stained the glory of his reign by his prodigious luxury and oppression, and apostacy from God, into which he fell in the latter part of his days. SHALL B... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:18

Who hath given to his people such a glorious and excellent king and governor, and such wonderful blessings as they do and shall enjoy under his government.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:19

Heb. _the whole earth shall be filled with his glory_. For this may be either a prayer for or a prophecy of the spreading of the true religion in the Gentile world; which evidently relates to Christ and his kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 72:20

This Psalm is called the last of David's Psalms; (which are called prayers, because they consist very much of prayers;) either, 1. The last of that part or book of the Psalms, which reached from the beginning of the Psalms hitherto, whereof the far greatest number were composed by David, and all of... [ Continue Reading ]

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