Fear; or, reverence, or worship, as this word is used, Isaiah 29:13, compared with Matthew 15:9, and elsewhere. Thee; either,

1. Thee, O king, to whom he suddenly turneth his speech. And so this is hyperbolically true of Solomon, but truly and literally of Christ. Or rather,

2. Thee, O God, of whom he had spoken before, and that in the second person, Psalms 72:1,2, as it is here; whereas he never speaks of the king in the whole Psalm in the second person, but constantly in the third. And so the sense is, This shall be another blessed fruit of this righteous government, that together with peace true religion shall be established, and that throughout all generations, as it here follows; which was begun in Solomon's days, and continued, though not without interruption, in the time of his successors, the kings of Judah, and afterwards until Christ, in and by whom this prediction and promise was most fully accomplished. As long as the sun and moon endure, Heb. with the sun and before the moon, i.e. whilst they continue in the heavens. Others expound it thus, both day and night, as the twelve tribes are said to serve God, Acts 26:7. But the former interpretation seems more probable, by comparing this verse with Psalms 72:17.

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