Psalms 76:1

PSALM 76 Or, _for Asaph_. Either it was composed by the prophet Asaph; or composed by David, or some other holy prophet of God, and committed to Asaph, or to his posterity; it being usual to put the parent's name for his children, of which I have formerly given divers instances. The special. and imm... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:2

IN SALEM; in Jerusalem, which was anciently called _Salem_, GENESIS 14:18 HEBREWS 7:1. ZION; largely so called, as it includes Moriah, an adjoining hill, or another branch of the same hill.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:3

THERE, i.e. in Judah, or at or near Jerusalem. THE ARROWS, Heb. _the sparks_; the sparkling arrows, bright and shining, swift and piercing, like sparks of fire. _The bow, the shield, and the sword_; both offensive and defensive weapons, so as they could neither hurt God's people, nor save themselves... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:4

THOU, O God; to whom he directeth his speech here, as also PSALMS 76:6. THAN THE MOUNTAINS OF PREY; either, 1. Than the greatest kings and emperors of the earth, which in prophetical writings are oft compared to mountains, as PSALMS 46:2,3 ISA 41:15 JEREMIAH 51:25 HABAKKUK 3:6. And they are called m... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:5

ARE SPOILED of all that glory and advantage which they either had already gotten, or further expected, from the success of their present expedition, which they promised to themselves. They became a prey to those upon whom they hoped to prey. THEIR SLEEP; even a perpetual sleep, as JEREMIAH 51:39,57,... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:6

THE CHARIOT AND HORSE; the men who rode upon and fought from chariots and horses, who fight with most advantage, and usually have most courage; and much more unable were their footmen to resist or avoid the stroke.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:7

STAND IN THY SIGHT, to wit, to contend with thee. _Standing_ is here opposed to flight or failing before the enemy. See JOSHUA 7:12 DANIEL 8:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:8

Thou didst execute judgment upon thine enemies by an angel sent from heaven; which is said to be heard, either because that was accompanied with terrible thunders and earthquakes, which was not unusual in the descent of an angel, as MATTHEW 28:2, and elsewhere; or because the fame of it was quickly... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:9

WHEN GOD AROSE TO JUDGEMENT; when God, who for a season had sat still, began to bestir and show himself against his enemies. Or, _after God had risen_, &c. Or, _because God did arise_, &c. TO SAVE ALL THE MEEK OF THE EARTH; to save all the godly persons (who are oft called meek ones, as hath been no... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:10

THE WRATH OF MAN SHALL PRAISE THEE; the blasphemous speeches and furious attempts of thine enemies shall serve thy glory, and cause thy people and others to praise and magnify thee for that admirable wisdom, and power, and faithfulness, and goodness which thou shalt discover upon that occasion. THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:11

VOW a sacrifice of thanksgiving; either at this time, for this wonderful deliverance; or hereafter, in all your future straits and troubles. Let this experience encourage you to make such vows to God with confidence of success. But when God hath accepted your vows, and given you the desired delivera... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 76:12

CUT OFF; as men do their grapes in time of vintage, as the Hebrew verb implies, to wit, suddenly, violently, and irresistibly. This is all which they shall get by opposing him, and therefore it is their wisdom to bring presents to him. THE SPIRIT OF PRINCES; either, 1 Their courage. Or rather, 2. T... [ Continue Reading ]

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