PSALM 76 Or, for Asaph. Either it was composed by the prophet Asaph; or composed by David, or some other holy prophet of God, and committed to Asaph, or to his posterity; it being usual to put the parent's name for his children, of which I have formerly given divers instances. The special. and immediate occasion of this Psalm was unquestionably some eminent deliverance vouchsafed by God to his people of Israel, and especially to Jerusalem, which the psalmist thought fit to celebrate; but which and when it was is both needless to inquire, and hard to determine. A declaration of God's majesty and gracious presence in his church, Psalms 76:1. At his rebuke the enemy spoils, and by his arm the meek are saved, Psalms 76:6. An exhortation to serve him with reverence, Psalms 76:11,12. God's people do not worship an unknown God, as the Athenians did, Acts 17:23, but one who hath made himself known, not only by his word and ordinances, but also by the glorious effects of his wisdom and power on their behalf, and against their potent and malicious enemies. Is great, i.e. famous and renowned, and greatly to be praised and admired.

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