Vow a sacrifice of thanksgiving; either at this time, for this wonderful deliverance; or hereafter, in all your future straits and troubles. Let this experience encourage you to make such vows to God with confidence of success. But when God hath accepted your vows, and given you the desired deliverance, forget not to pay your vows. All that be round about him; either,

1. All the tribes of Israel, who have the benefit of this mercy. Or rather,

2. All the neighbouring nations on every side, to whom the fame of this mighty work of God shall come, I advise them for the future, if they love themselves, to cease from all hostilities against God or his people, and to submit themselves to the God of Israel. Him that ought to be feared; whom though they do not love, yet they see and feel that they have great reason to fear and to seek his favour.

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