I said; I thus answered these objections. This is my infirmity; these suspicions of God's faithfulness and goodness proceed from the weakness of my faith, and from the mistake of a diseased mind. But I will remember; which words may be understood out of the following verse, as other words frequently are in like cases. The years of the right hand of the Most High; the years wherein God hath done great and glorious works, which are oft ascribed to God's right hand, as Psalms 17:7, Psalms 20:6 45:4 118:15. But the word rendered years doth also signify changing, and accordingly this verse is by other learned interpreters, and may well be, rendered otherwise, without any such supplement as is in our translation, thus, And I said, This is my affliction or grievance, (the sum of all, and the chief cause of my trouble and anxiety, is this,) the change of the right hand of the Most High; that right hand which formerly hath done such great and wonderful things for his people, is at this time not only hid in God's bosom, and not drawn forth for their defence, but is also stretched forth against them, and is the principal cause of all our present miseries. I could bear the malice and rage of our enemies, from whom we could not expect better things, but that our gracious and covenanted God should forsake and persecute his own people, this is that which makes it intolerable.

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