Psalms 8:1

PSALM 8 The same title is prefixed to PSALMS 81:1, PSALMS 84:1. GITTITH also is supposed to be the name of a tune, or song, or instrument so called, because it was either invented or much used in Gath. Some render it _for the wine-presses_ and say it was to be sung at the time of vintage. It is a gr... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 8:2

BABES AND SUCKLINGS; either, 1. Properly such; for there is much of God's glory seen in infants, in their conception and strange progress from small and contemptible beginnings, in their preservation and nourishment in the dark cell of the womb, in their bringing forth and bringing up, in providing... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 8:3

THY HEAVENS; thine by creation, as it follows. OF THY FINGERS. i.e. of thy hand, as it is expressed, PSALMS 102:25; a part being here put for the whole; God's _hand and finger_ being indifferently used to note his power, as EXODUS 8:19 LUKE 11:20, &c. Though some conceive that by this phrase he inte... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 8:4

WHAT, i.e. how mean and inconsiderable a thing is man, if compared with thy glorious Majesty, who art so infinite in power and wisdom, as thou hast showed in the frame of the heavens, &c. Man, Heb. _infirm_ or _miserable_ man; by which it is apparent that he speaks of man, not according to the state... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 8:5

Thou hast in and through Christ mercifully and wonderfully restored man to his primitive and happy estate, in which he was but one remove below the angels; from which he was fallen by sin. HAST CROWNED HIM, i.e. man, fallen and lost man; who is indeed actually crowned and restored to the glory and d... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 8:6

Thou didst give all power and all things into his hands, MATTHEW 28:18 1 THESSALONIANS 13:3. THOU HAST PUT ALL THINGS, both in heaven, where are the angels mentioned PSALMS 8:5, and in the earth, air, and sea, as it follows; for nothing is excepted besides God, 1 CORINTHIANS 15:25,27 HEB 2:8. UNDER... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 8:7

ALL SHEEP AND OXEN; here is no perfect enumeration, but under these are comprehended all other beasts, and much more men and angels. THE BEASTS OF THE FIELD, i.e. the wild beasts; which together with divers fowls and fishes were subject to Christ, and are governed and employed as it pleaseth him; al... [ Continue Reading ]

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