Psalms 81:1

PSALM 81 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm seems to have been made for the use of the church in solemn feasts; particularly either upon every first day of the month, or upon the first day of the seventh mouth, which was celebrated with more solemn blast of trumpets, LEVITICUS 23:24 NUMBERS 29:1; because that... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:3

THE NEW MOON; which was a sacred and festival time, as appears from NUMBERS 10:10, NUMBERS 28:11,14 2 KINGS 4:23 ISAIAH 66:23. But this may be understood either, 1. Generally of every new moon. Or rather, 2. Specially of that new moon, as the word may be rendered, which begun the seventh month; as... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:5

THIS HE ORDAINED, to wit, the blowing of trumpets. _In Joseph_; among the posterity of Joseph, to wit, the people of Israel, as is evident both from the foregoing verse, where they are called Israel, and from the following words in this verse, where they are described by their coming out of Egypt, w... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:6

I delivered him from burdensome slavery. _Pots_; as this word is taken, 1 SAMUEL 2:14 2 CHRONICLES 35:13. Or, _baskets_, as it signifies, 2 KINGS 10:7 JEREMIAH 24:2. In the general, it seems to note all those vessels wherein they carried water, straw, lime, bricks, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:7

THOU CALLEDST IN TROUBLE; at the Red Sea, EXODUS 14:10. IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THUNDER; from the dark and cloudy pillar, whence I thundered and fought against the Egyptians. See EXODUS 13:21, EXODUS 14:19,24. Others refer this to the thunder at Sinai. But at that time they were NOT IN TROUBLE, but i... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:8

I WILL TESTIFY UNTO THEE, concerning my will and thy duty. I will give thee statutes and judgments, in the execution of which thou mayst live and be happy for ever. This God did presently after he brought them from Meribah, even at Sinai.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:10

OPEN THY MOUTH WIDE; either, 1. To pray for mercies. Ask freely, and abundantly, and boldly, (as this phrase oft signifies,) whatsoever you need, or in reason can desire. Or, 2. To receive the mercies which I am ready to give you. I WILL FILL IT; I will give or grant them all, upon condition of yo... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:12

Upon their obstinate and oft-repeated rebellions and rejections of my grace and mercy offered to them, I withdrew all the restraints of my providence, and my Holy Spirit, and grace from them, and wholly left them to follow their own vain and foolish imaginations and wicked lusts. THEY WALKED IN THEI... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:14

Those remainders of the Canaanites whom now for their unbelief and apostacy I have left in the land to be snares and plagues to them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:15

THE HATERS OF THE LORD; all the haters and enemies of God's people, as the neighbouring nations were; whom he calls _haters of God_, partly because they hated the Israelites for God's sake, and for the singularity of their religious worship, as the heathen oft declared; and partly to show the strict... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 81:16

WITH HONEY; either, 1. Metaphorically, with all pleasant and precious fruits, and with all delights, as all necessaries may be expressed under the name of wheat. Or rather, 2. Properly; this land of Canaan being commended for its excellent and plentiful honey; and the bees there did oft-times harb... [ Continue Reading ]

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