Psalms 82:1

PSALM 82 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm contains an admonition, either, 1. To the chief rulers of Israel, whether judges or kings, or their great council called the Sanhedrim. Or rather, 2. To all the rulers of the several nations of the world, to whom this word might come; as may be gathered, partly from... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 82:2

The psalmist speaketh to them in God's name, and reproves them for their continued and resolved unrighteousness in their public administrations. ACCEPT THE PERSONS, by overlooking the merits of the cause, and giving sentence according to your respect or affection to the person.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 82:3

DEFEND THE POOR AND FATHERLESS; so far as justly you may; as this clause must be limited, by comparing this with LEVITICUS 19:15. DO JUSTICE TO, Heb. _justify_, to wit, when his cause is just, and he is oppressed by a potent adversary.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 82:4

These he recommends to the special care and protection of magistrates, because such are commonly neglected and crushed by men in higher place and power, and they are unable to right themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 82:5

THEY, the magistrates, of whom this Psalm treats, KNOW NOT, to wit, the truth and right of the cause, nor the duty of their place. Men are oft said in Scripture _not to know_ what they do not love and practise. NEITHER WILL THEY UNDERSTAND: this their ignorance is wilful and afflicted; they will not... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 82:6

I HAVE SAID, YE ARE GODS; I have given you my name and power to rule your people in my stead. ALL OF YOU; not only the rulers of Israel, but of all other nations; _for all powers are ordained by God_, ROMANS 13:1. CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH; representing my person, and bearing both my name and lively... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 82:7

BUT YE SHALL DIE: but let not this make you insolent and secure; for though you are gods by name and office, yet still you are mortal men, you must die and give up your account to me your superior Lord and Governor; and you shall die and fall by the hands of my justice, if you persist in your unjust... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 82:8

Seeing the state of the world is so universally corrupt and desperate, and thy vicegerents betray their trust, and oppress and ruin the nations of the earth, whom they were appointed to preserve, do thou therefore, O God, take the sword of justice into thine own hand, and maintain the cause and righ... [ Continue Reading ]

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