Psalms 83:1

PSALM 83 THE ARGUMENT The occasion of the Psalm is manifest from the body of it, and it seems to have been a dangerous attempt and conspiracy. of divers neighbouring nations against Israel or Judah. Probably it was that which is mentioned 2CH 20, wherein all the people here mentioned might be engage... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:2

THINE ENEMIES; they are not only enemies to us thy people, but also to thy will, and name, and glory. MAKE A TUMULT; or, _make a tumultuous noise_, both with their tongues reproaching thee and threatening us, and with their arms. HAVE LIFT UP THE HEAD; are grown potent, and insolent, and scornful.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:3

i.e. Thy people of Israel, as it is explained in the foregoing words, and in the next verse; who are called God's hidden or secret ones, to intimate the singular care and respect which God hath to them, as to his peculiar treasure, as they are called, EXODUS 19:5 PSALMS 135:4, whom he will hide and... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:6

THE TABERNACLES, put for the people dwelling in them, as JOB 12:6 PROVERBS 14:11 HABAKKUK 3:7. EDOM; called _the children of Seir_, 2CH 20. _The Ishmaelites_; some of the posterity of Ishmael, called by their father's name, as others of them are supposed by divers to be called HAGARENES, from their... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:7

GEBAL; either, 1. The Giblites or Gebalites, dwelling near Zidon, of whom 1 KINGS 5:18 EZEKIEL 27:9. Or, 2. An Arabian people, so called by ancient writers, dwelling in the southern border of Canaan, where most of the people here mentioned had their abode. Yet some of these were in the northern pa... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:8

IS JOINED WITH THEM in their counsels, and possibly with some of their forces, though not so openly and powerfully as afterwards. THE CHILDREN OF LOT; Moab and Ammon, who were the principal parties in that war, 2CH 20, called here the children of Lot, to intimate their horrible degeneration from the... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:10

WHICH PERISHED AT EN-DOR: either, 1. The Midianites. Or rather, 2. Jabin and Sisera, who were overthrown near Taanach and Megiddo, JUDGES 5:19, nigh unto which places was this En-dor, as appears from JOSHUA 17:11. THEY BECAME AS DUNG FOR THE EARTH; they were trodden under foot, and their carcasses... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:12

THE HOUSES OF GOD; the houses and lands of the Israelites, which their God, as they pretend, gave them in Canaan, to which they have no rightful title; for that we see was formerly objected by the Ammonites, JUDGES 11:13, who were a chief party in this war. So they seem to call them houses of God, b... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:13

Whereas they promise to themselves a sure and firm possession in our land, let them be like A WHEEL, or _a round ball_, which being once tumbled down from the top of a hill, runs down with great force and swiftness, and stays not till it comes to the bottom, and there also is very unstable, and soon... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:14

THE MOUNTAINS; understand by a metonymy the woods or forests upon the mountains, which in those hot countries, when they had once taken fire, either by lightning, or by the design of men, or by any accident, did burn with great speed and irresistible violence.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:16

That being disappointed of their hopes, and discerning the impotency of their idols, they may own and worship thee as the only true God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 83:18

THAT MEN MAY KNOW, or _that they may know_, to wit, by costly experience, even by their own ruin, what they would not know by information for their own good, _that thou art the Most High_, the most high God, and the God not only of his people Israel, as the heathen fancied, and as their gods were co... [ Continue Reading ]

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