Psalms 89:1

PSALM 89 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm manifestly treats of the declining and calamitous time and state of the house and kingdom of David, either, first, in Rehoboam's reign, as a late judicious interpreter conceives; to which those expressions, PSALMS 89:40, do not agree; or rather, secondly, in or about... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:2

I HAVE SAID within myself. I have been assured in my own mind. MERCY SHALL BE BUILT UP FOR EVER: as thou hast laid a sure foundation of mercy to David's family, by that everlasting covenant which thou hast made and established with it; so I concluded that thou wouldst carry on the same project of me... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:4

I will perpetuate the kingdom to thy posterity; which was promised upon condition, and was literally and fully accomplished in Christ, who was of the seed of David.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:5

THE HEAVENS, i.e. the inhabitants of heaven, the holy angels, as JOB 15:15; who clearly discern and constantly adore thy mercy and faithfulness, when men upon earth are filled with doubts and perplexities about it. THY FAITHFULNESS ALSO; understand, _shall be praised_, out of the foregoing clause; w... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:6

AMONG THE SONS OF THE MIGHTY; either, first, among the potentates of the earth; or rather, secondly, among the highest angels; who well may and needs must admire and adore time, because thou art incomparably and infinitely more excellent than they.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:7

GOD IS GREATLY TO BE FEARED; with a fear of reverence; for dread and terror have no place in those blessed mansions and holy spirits. IN THE ASSEMBLY OF THE SAINTS; to the whole society of angels, called saints, as PSALMS 89:5. THEM THAT ARE ABOUT HIM; the angels, which are always in his presence, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:8

WHO IS A STRONG LORD LIKE UNTO THEE? who is equal to thee in power, or, as it follows, in faithfulness? TO THY FAITHFULNESS ROUND ABOUT THEE, Heb. _and thy faithfulness is round about thee_, like a girdle adorning and encompassing thee. It appeareth in all thy paths and actions, in thy words and wor... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:10

RAHAB; Egypt, as PSALMS 87:4. As one that is slain; thou didst wound them not slightly, but unto death. See EXODUS 14:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:11

THE FULNESS THEREOF; all the creatures wherewith it is replenished, as PSALMS 24:1, PSALMS 50:12. THOU HAST FOUNDED THEM; they are all thy creatures, and therefore wholly subject to thy power and pleasure; and therefore all the monarchs and kingdoms of the earth cannot hinder thee from making good t... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:12

THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH; the northern and southern parts of the world, yea, even the remotest ends thereof; though not yet known to us, were made and are ruled by thee. Or possibly he may understand the northern and southern empires, and people of the world, who have from time to time annoyed and di... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:13

THY HAND; either thy left hand, because thy right hand seems to be opposed to it; or thy right hand, as it is limited and explained in the next clause. HIGH IS; or, _is_ or _shall be exalted_, or _lifted up_. That strength of thy hand hath been, or shall be, put forth for thy people, as occasion req... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:14

JUSTICE AND JUDGMENT, i.e. just judgment, or justice in judging, as JEREMIAH 9:24, JEREMIAH 22:3. A common figure, called _hendiaduo_. _The habitation_; or, _the basis_ or _foundation_, as this word is used EZRA 2:68, EZRA 3:3 PSALMS 97:2, PSALMS 104:5; the groundwork of all his proceedings, and the... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:15

The psalmist, intending to describe the doleful estate of the royal family and kingdom of Israel, aggravates it by the consideration of their former felicity. THAT KNOW THE JOYFUL SOUND, i.e. who enjoy the presence of God and his ordinances, and the tokens of his grace and mercy to them, to which th... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:16

IN THY NAME; in the knowledge and remembrance of thy name, i.e. of thy infinite power and goodness, revealed and imparted to them. IN THY RIGHTEOUSNESS; whereby thou art both inclined and in some sort engaged to hear the prayers of thy people, and to save them from all their enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:17

All that strength in which they do or may glory is not their own, but is a mere vouchsafement of thy grace, and to thee alone belongs the glory of all their valiant achievements. OUR HORN SHALL BE EXALTED, i.e. our power and honour, which now lies in the dust, shall be raised and recovered.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:18

This verse gives a reason of the psalmist's confidence that their horn would be exalted. THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL IS OUR KING; having therefore so potent a Friend, we have no reason to despair of our restitution to our former felicity. Or, as the words may well be, and are by divers, rendered, _Of or... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:19

THEN, i.e. of old; for this particle is sometimes put indefinitely. Or, then, when thou didst set David in the throne. IN VISION; which then was the usual way by which God spake to the prophets, NUMBERS 12:6. TO THY HOLY ONE: to thy holy prophets; the singular number being put for the plural; especi... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:20

I HAVE FOUND: this is spoken of God figuratively after the manner of men, to imply the great scarcity of such persons, and the difficulty of finding them out. WITH MY HOLY OIL; both. with material oil, 1 SAMUEL 16:13 2 SAMUEL 5:3, and with the gifts and graces of my Holy Spirit, which are oft signif... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:22

NOT EXACT UPON HIM; not conquer him, or make him tributary. Or, shall not deceive or circumvent him, as this word is used, GENESIS 3:13 2 KINGS 18:29. AFFLICT HIM, to wit, so as to overthrow or destroy him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:24

FAITHFULNESS, in making good all my promises to him, and mercy, in doing more for him than I have promised, or in pardoning his sins, for which I might justly make him to know my breach of promise. IN MY NAME; by my favour and help.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:25

I WILL SET HIS HAND, i.e. establish his power and dominion. IN THE SEA; the midland sea. THE RIVERS, to wit, Euphrates, called rivers in the plural number, as Nilus also is, ISAIAH 18:1 EZEKIEL 29:3,4, in regard of divers branches of it, and rivers which flow into it. So here is a description of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:26

He shall find me to be a true and a kind Father to him, and shall familiarly and confidently make his addresses to me as such, for all necessary supplies and assistances, which parents willingly afford to their children, as need requires.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:27

As he calls me Father, PSALMS 89:26, so I will make him my son, yea, my first-born, who had divers privileges above other sons. This and the following passage in some sort agree to David, who may well be called God's FIRST-BORN, as all the people of Israel are, EXODUS 4:22; and so is Ephraim, JEREMI... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:29

TO ENDURE FOR EVER, i.e. to sit upon the throne for ever, as the next words explain it. This was accomplished only in Christ, the eternal King of the church, and of the world, who was of David's seed according to the flesh. AS THE DAYS OF HEAVEN, i.e. for ever, as he now said; as long as the world s... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:35

Here he gives some reasons why he would not break his covenant with David, though he should have just cause to do so, and though he had upon such just cause broke his covenant made with others; first, Because this covenant was confirmed by his oath, which adds not only more solemnity, but more stabi... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:37

Whereby he understands, either, first, The moon, last mentioned, to which this clause may be added rather than to the sun, to imply that as the moon, though subject to eclipses and frequent and manifold changes, yet doth constantly and perpetually remain in heaven, as a witness of my _covenant of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:38

Having hitherto declared the certainty of God's promises, he now proceeds to show the unsuitableness of the present dispensations of God's providence thereunto, and humbly expostulates with God about it. _Thine anointed_; that person and family which thou hast invested with the kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:39

MADE VOID THE COVENANT; which seems contrary to thy word given PSALMS 89:34. OF THY SERVANT, i.e. made with him. PROFAINED HIS CROWN, by exposing that sacred person, and family, and kingdom to contempt, and giving his sceptre and power into the hands of the uncircumcised.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:43

TURNED THE EDGE OF HIS SWORD; so that he can neither offend his enemies, nor defend himself. NOT MADE HIM TO STAND, but to flee and fall before his enemies; for more is understood than what is expressed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:45

The youthful and flourishing estate of David's kingdom was very short, and reached not beyond his next successor, and it hath been languishing by degrees till this time, when it seems to be dead and buried.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:47

MY TIME, i.e. our time, the time of our king and kingdom, in whose name the psalmist puts up this petition, and about whom he was much more solicitous than about himself, as is evident, both from the following verses, and from the whole body of the Psalm. The sense seems to be this, Our king, and al... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:48

All men at their best estate are mortal and miserable, kings and people must unavoidably die by the condition of their natures; and therefore, Lord, do not increase our affliction, which of itself is more than enough; neither proceed in these violent courses upon us, who, without such severity, must... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:49

Hast thou forgotten or repented of all that mercy and kindness which thou hast promised and sworn, and sometimes performed, unto David and his family and kingdom?... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:50

I, i.e. we thy servants, as he now said; our king and his people; of whom he speaks as of one person, as is very usual in Holy Scripture. Or the psalmist showeth how particularly and passionately he resented those reproaches which were cast upon their king and kingdom, as if they were east upon hims... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:51

Or, _of thy Messiah_; by whom he seems to understand either, first, the kings of Judah, the singular number being put for the plural; and by their _footsteps_ may be meant either their ways or actions, and the sad consequences thereof; or the traces or memorials of their ancient splendour and domini... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 89:52

Let thine enemies reproach thee, and thy promises concerning the sending of the Messiah, and the deliverance of thy people by his hand; I do and will heartily bless and praise thee for them, and encourage myself with them, not doubting but thou wilt consider and take away all our reproaches, and in... [ Continue Reading ]

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