PSALM 89 THE ARGUMENT This Psalm manifestly treats of the declining and calamitous time and state of the house and kingdom of David, either, first, in Rehoboam's reign, as a late judicious interpreter conceives; to which those expressions, Psalms 89:40, do not agree; or rather, secondly, in or about the time of tim Babylonish captivity. Either, first, he who is mentioned 1 Kings 4:31. And then the Psalm is prophetical of things to come; which yet, after the manner of the prophets, he represents as present. And this prophetical Psalm might be left upon record as a cordial for David's family in their future distresses, which Ethan by the Spirit of prophecy foresaw. Or, secondly, Some other person of the same name, and inspired by the same Spirit, Who had lived in the times of which the psalmist here speaketh. The psalmist praiseth God for making and keeping covenant with David and his seed, Psalms 89:1; for his great power and care over his church, Psalms 89:5; for his favours to the kingdom of David, Psalms 89:19. The destruction of his enemies, Psalms 89:23. The faithfulness of God to them in covenant with him, Psalms 89:24. Complaining of contrary events, Psalms 89:38, he expostulateth with, prayeth unto, and blesseth the Lord, Psalms 89:46. Intending to discourse of the doleful estate of David's family and of his kingdom, he prefaceth this, partly lest the following complaints of present miseries should argue ingratitude for former mercies. Thy faithfulness; whatsoever hath befallen or shall befall David's house, or any other, it proceeded not from thy unfaithfulness, but from some other causes.

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