Psalms 9:1

PSALM 9 MUTH-LABBEN also seems to be another title of some song, or tune, or instrument; of which we must and may be content to be ignorant, as the Jewish doctors also are. Some render it, _upon the death of his son_, to wit, Absalom, or of one called _Labben_; or, _of the middle man_, or _the man_... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:3

When they are discomfited and put to flight, they shall not save themselves by flight, and reserve themselves to do further mischief, but shall stumble as it were at gall-traps by thee laid in their way, and shall be pursued, and overtaken, and cut off, upon thy appearance against them. One angry lo... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:4

MY RIGHT AND MY CAUSE, i.e. my righteous cause against thine and mine enemies. THOU SATEST IN THE THRONE; thou didst judge and give sentence for me. JUDGING RIGHT, or, _O righteous Judge_, or, as _a just judge_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:5

REBUKED, i.e. punished, as PSALMS 6:1; or destroyed, as it is explained in the next clause. THE HEATHEN, to wit, the Philistines and other heathen nations, who did from time to time molest David, or the people of Israel. THEIR NAME; either that fame and honour which they had gained by their former e... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:6

This is a sudden apostrophe to the enemies of God's people, Philistines, Amorites, or other nations, who had formerly made great havoc and waste among them. DESTRUCTIONS are come to a perpetual end; thou hast destroyed the Israelitish nation utterly and irrecoverably, and, as it follows, their defen... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:7

Though cities and people may perish for ever, yet the Lord abides for ever; which is sufficient for the enemies terror, and for the comfort of his church. HE HATH PREPARED, or established, by his immutable purpose, and his irrevocable promise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:9

God will not only judge the world at the last day, and then give sentence for his people against their enemies, but even at present he will give them his protection.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:10

THEY THAT KNOW, i.e. that thoroughly understand and duly consider. _Thy name_, i.e. thy nature and perfections, thy infinite power, and wisdom, and faithfulness, and goodness; which make a person a most fit and proper object for trust. _The name of God_ is most frequently put for God, as he hath man... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:11

WHICH DWELLETH IN ZION; whose special and gracious presence is there; for there was the ark at this time. AMONG THE PEOPLE, i.e. to the heathen nations, that they also may be brought to the knowledge and worship of the true God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:12

FOR BLOOD, Heb. _bloods_; the bloodshed or murder of his innocent and holy ones; which though he may connive at for a season, yet he will certainly call the authors of it to a very severe account, and avenge it upon them. HE REMEMBERETH THEM; either, 1. The humble, as it follows, or the oppressed, P... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:13

CONSIDER MY TROUBLE, to wit, compassionately and effectually, so as to bring me out of it. FROM THE GATES OF DEATH; from the brink or mouth of the grave, into which I was dropping, being as near death as a man is to the city that is come to the very gates of it. And so the phrase is used PSALMS 107:... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:14

IN THE GATES, i.e. in the great assemblies, which were usually in the gates. Compare PROVERBS 31:31 ISAIAH 3:26. These gates he elegantly opposeth to the former, and declareth that if he be brought off them, he will go into these. OF THE DAUGHTER OF ZION; either, 1. Of Jerusalem, so called also ISAI... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:16

THE LORD IS KNOWN, or, _hath made himself known_, or famous even among his enemies, by his most wise counsels and wonderful works. BY THE JUDGMENT WHICH HE EXECUTETH upon the wicked, as it followeth. HIGGAION is either a musical term, or a note of attention, a kind of _behold_, intimating that the m... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:17

INTO HELL; either 1. Into the grave which is oft called _sheol_, into which they are said to be _turned_, or _to return_, because they were made of or taken out of the dust, ECCLESIASTES 12:7. Or, 2. Into the place of eternal perdition; which also is sometimes called _sheol_, as PROVERBS 15:24, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:18

THE NEEDY SHALL NOT ALWAY BE FORGOTTEN, though God for a time may seem to neglect or forget them, and suffer their enemies to triumph over them. SHALL NOT PERISH; which negative particle is fitly understood out of the former clause, as it is PSALMS 1:5, PSALMS 44:18 ISAIAH 23:4, ISAIAH 28:27,28.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 9:20

Subdue their proud and insolent spirits, and strike them with terror, or with some terrible judgment. But men, Heb. _weak, and miserable, and mortal men_, and therefore altogether unable to oppose the omnipotent and eternal God. This he saith, because wicked men, when they are advanced to great powe... [ Continue Reading ]

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